yarn antd 5.9.2

latest releases: 5.19.0, 5.18.3, 5.18.2...
9 months ago
  • 🐞 Fix Table selection column not align in center when size is small. #44922
  • 🐞 Fix Select style problem when label contains div element. #44927
  • 🐞 Fix Modal broken style of buttons when custom footer. #44929 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix notification wrong pop-up animation when placement is bottom. #44918 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 Fix missing inherited feedbackIcon in Form.Item with noStyle. #44937

  • 🐞 修复 Table small 尺寸时选择列没有居中对齐的问题。#44922
  • 🐞 修复 Select 当 label 内使用了 div 块级元素时的样式问题。#44927
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 自定义 footer 时按钮内容丢失的问题。#44929 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 notification 底部弹出动画的问题。#44918 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 有 noStyle 属性时没有继承上下文的反馈图标的问题。#44937

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