yarn antd 5.8.6

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12 months ago
  • 🛠 Optimize some styles size in document.head by extracting unused styles.
    • 🛠 Notification and Message only generate styles when displayed. #44488
    • 🛠 Extract Tag status & preset color style which will only generate by needed. #44512
    • 🛠 Extract Button compact style, now only the corresponding style will be generated when Space.Compact is used. #44475
  • 📦 Remove lodash/camelCase from @ant-design/icons dependencies to reduce bundle size. ant-design-icons#595
  • Form
    • 🐞 Fix Form.Item children not hidden when wrapperCol.span is 0. #44485 #44472 @crazyair
    • 🐞 Fix Form wrapperCol to be 24 not working when labelCol is set to 24. #44541
  • 🐞 Fix Watermark that would crash if content is empty string. #44501
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker popup still working when disabled is true. #44466 @RedJue
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer trigger onSelectChange twice sometimes when click checkbox. #44471 @kovsu
  • 🐞 Fix Typography scrollbar flush problem when enable ellipsis. #43058 @bbb169
  • Slider
  • 🐞 Fix Steps type="nav" last item did not hide arrow properly. #44582 @ohhoney1
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Fix Upload file status definition to remove unused success status. #44468

  • 🛠 针对 CSSInJS 加载 styles 大小进行了优化。
    • 🛠 Notification 和 Message 组件只有在展示时才会插入对应样式。#44488
    • 🛠 剥离 Tag 状态与预设颜色样式,现在只有当使用的使用才会生成它们。#44512
    • 🛠 剥离 Button 紧凑模式样式,现在只有当使用了 Space.Compact 才会生成对应样式。#44475
  • 📦 移除 @ant-design/icons 依赖 lodash/camelCase 以优化 bundle size。ant-design-icons#595
  • Form
    • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 设置 wrapperCol.span0 时,子元素不隐藏的问题。#44485 #44472 @crazyair
    • 🐞 修复 Form labelCol 设置为 24 时,会使 wrapperCol 设置 24 失效的问题。#44541
  • 🐞 修复 Watermark 组件在 content 是空字符串时报错的问题。#44501
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 禁用时依然能弹出选择窗口的问题。#44466 @RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 点击 Checkbox 时有时会触发两次选择行为的问题。#44471 @kovsu
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 使用 ellipsis 时滚动条闪动的问题。#43058 @bbb169
  • Slider
  • 🐞 修复 Steps type="nav" 垂直导航步骤条的最后一项箭头没隐藏的问题。#44582 @ohhoney1
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修复 Upload 文件状态定义,移除未使用过的 success 状态。#44468

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