yarn antd 5.21.3

7 hours ago
  • 💄 Added a scroll bar to Dropdown when having many items. #51112 @Cameron-Asdf
  • Slider #51150 @yoyo837
    • 🐞 Fix Slider issue where the id prop is not supported.
    • 🐞 Fix Slider to address the issue causing useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server warning when extractStyle is invoked.
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker with gradient mode, sometimes handle color will be force sync back to first handle color issue. #51161 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Table onChange function receiving incorrect sorter value. #51114 @nathanlao
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 Fix the issue about throw a warning when Splitter nested in a hidden tab panel. #51109 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix the issue about Splitter had unexpected gaps in Flex. #51096 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 MISC: Restore react and react-dom peerDependencies. #51079 @chentsulin
  • TypeScript

  • 💄 优化 Dropdown 列表较长时的滚动条样式。#51112 @Cameron-Asdf
  • Slider #51150 @yoyo837
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 不支持 id 属性的问题。
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 导致 extractStyle 时抛出 useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server 警告信息的问题。
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 渐变色时,部分节点颜色拖拽会被强制重置为第一个节点颜色的问题。#51161 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Table 组件在切换页面时 onChange 函数接收到错误的 sorter 值的问题。#51114 @nathanlao
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 修复 Splitter 嵌套在一个隐藏的 Tabs 面板中时抛出警告的问题。#51109 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复 Splitter 组件在 Flex 组件下时出现异常间距的问题。#51096 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 杂项:重新将 reactreact-dom 添加进 peerDependencies。#51079 @chentsulin
  • TypeScript

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