yarn antd 5.2.0

latest releases: 5.20.6, 5.20.5, 5.20.4...
19 months ago
  • 🔥 Add picture-circle to Upload's listType prop. #40134 @ds1371dani
  • 🔥 Anchor component add direction, which supports vertical. #39372 @foryuki
  • 🆕 Tooltip support arrow to change arrow's visible state and whether the arrow is pointed at the center of target. #40234 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Added list pagination align option. #39858 @Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Timeline added items to support option configuration. #40424
  • Collapse
  • Slider
    • 🆕 Slider add railStyle for custom style. #40579 @david-cord
    • 🆕 Slider add support for disable keyboard events. #40526
    • 🐞 Fix Slider missing Tooltip appear motion. #39857
  • Dropdown
    • 🆕 Dropdown support autoAdjustOverflow option. #39735
    • 💄 Fix Dropdown component dange and disabled style priority issue. #39904 @Wxh16144
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour added indicatorsRender to support custom indicators. #40613
    • 🆕 Tour support scrollIntoViewOptions to change scrollIntoView options. #39980 @kiner-tang
    • 🆕 Tour masks support passing custom styles and fill colors. #39919 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fixed findDomNode method warning thrown by the tour component when called in strict mode. #40160 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 Deleted margin of the last indicator. #40624
  • 🆕 Adds Design token fontFamilyCode and apply to Typography code kbd pre elements. #39823
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider add Form scrollToFirstError#39509 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 Fill rest rootClassName for all components. #40217
  • 🐞 Fix Empty descriptions text color in default theme and dark theme. #40584 @MuxinFeng
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix aria-label and role="presentation" cannot be used together in Table row. #40413 @Ke1sy
    • 🐞 Fix uncontrolled filtered update not working. #39883
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that the header filter is invalid in the case of group headers. #40463 @roman40a
    • 🐞 Fix selection column cover by other cell when fixed. #39940 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix Sorted/Filtered table fixed column transparent background unreadable. #39012 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 Fix border style problem when Table filter. #39938 @JarvisArt
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 Fix DatePicker that have status style when disabled. #40608
    • 💄 Optimize the DatePicker input box style. #40549 @Wxh16144
    • 💄 Optimize DatePicker Dropdown arrow style. #40521
  • 🐞 Fix Space ant-space-item selector bug. #40554 @cncolder
  • 🐞 Fix not close Spin immediately when using delay. #40475 @3Alan
  • 🐞 Fix Modal useModal default confirm button text logic. #39884 @BoyYangzai
  • 🛠 Refactored the water ripple visual effect to trigger multiple water ripples at the same time. #39705 @li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 Refactor Input.TextArea and Mentions. #40045
  • 🛠 Refactor Affix Calendar to use React.createRef instead of function. #40538 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Fix Tabs more button unexpected height. #40488
  • 💄 Resolve Image preview style conflict with TailwindCSS. #39914
  • 💄 Fix Progress that transition of success bar is missing. #40487
  • 💄 Fix the misalignment of Input.Group when zooming the screen under windows. #39842 @heiyu4585
  • 💄 Fix Select placeholder style issue. #40477 @Wxh16144
  • 💄 Adjust Descriptions label style for more readable. #40085
  • 💄 Optimize QRCode expiration display style. #39849
  • 💄 Optimize boxShadow tokens. #40516
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Optimize Badge Tag Tooltip color type definition. #39871
    • 🤖 Add Breakpoint ThmeConfig GlobalToken type export. #40508 @Kamahl19
    • 🤖 Update Upload fileList type. #40585
    • 🤖 Remove Tour ForwardRefRenderFunction. #39924
  • 🌐 Localization

  • 🔥 Upload 的 listType 属性添加 picture-circle 支持。#40134 @ds1371dani
  • 🔥 Anchor 组件新增 direction 属性,支持 vertical。#39372 @foryuki
  • 🆕 Tooltip 新增 arrow 属性用来改变箭头的显示状态和箭头是否指向目标元素的中心。#40234 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 List 分页新增 align 配置。#39858 @Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Timeline 新增 items 支持选项配置。#40424
  • Collapse
  • Slider
    • 🆕 Slider 新增 railStyle 属性用于自定义样式。#40579 @david-cord
    • 🆕 Slider 新增 keyboard 属性以支持禁用键盘事件。#40526
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 展示 Tooltip 时动画丢失的问题。#39857
  • Dropdown
    • 🆕 Dropdown 组件支持 autoAdjustOverflow 属性。#39735
    • 💄 修复 Dropdown dangedisable 属性同时使用样式问题。#39904 @Wxh16144
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour 新增 indicatorsRender 支持自定义指示器。#40613
    • 🆕 Tour 支持通过 scrollIntoViewOptions 改变scrollIntoView 的选项。#39980 @kiner-tang
    • 🆕 Tour 遮罩支持传递自定义样式和填充颜色。#39919 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复 Tour 在严格模式下调用 findDomNode 抛出警告问题。#40160 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 删除了最后一个指示器的 margin。#40624
  • 🆕 新增 Design token fontFamilyCode 并应用到 Typography 的 code kbd pre 等元素上。#39823
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 新增 Form scrollToFirstError#39509 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 为全部组件补足 rootClassName 属性。#40217
  • 🐞 修复 Empty 在默认主题和暗黑主题下的描述文字颜色。#40584 @MuxinFeng
  • Table
    • 🐞 修复 Table 行 aria-labelrole="presentation" 无法一起使用的问题。#40413 @Ke1sy
    • 🐞 修改非受控 filtered 修改不生效的问题。#39883
    • 🐞 修表头过滤器在分组标题情况下失效的问题。#40463 @roman40a
    • 🐞 修复选择列固定时滚动会被其他单元格遮盖的问题。#39940 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复排序/筛选的表格的固定列背景色透明导致显示异常问题。#39012 @kiner-tang
    • 💄 修复 Table filter 时边框样式问题。#39938 @JarvisArt
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 组件禁用时状态样式生效的问题。#40608
    • 💄 优化 DatePicker 输入框样式。#40549 @Wxh16144
    • 💄 优化 DatePicker Dropdown 箭头样式。#40521
  • 🐞 修复 Space ant-space-item 选择器错误。#40554 @cncolder
  • 🐞 修复当设置 delay 时,Spin 没有立即关闭的问题。#40475 @3Alan
  • 🐞 修复 Modal useModal 默认确认按钮文本逻辑。#39884 @BoyYangzai
  • 🛠 重构水波纹视效,以支持多个水波纹同时触发了。#39705 @li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 重构 Input.TextArea 组件和 Mentions 组件。#40045
  • 🛠 重构 Affix Calendar 使用 React.createRef 代替函数。#40538 @li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 Tabs 更多按钮高度样式错误。#40488
  • 💄 修复 Image 预览样式会被 TailwindCSS 影响的问题。#39914
  • 💄 修复 Progress 成功进度条 transition 样式丢失问题。#40487
  • 💄 修复 Input.Group 在 windows 下缩放屏幕时的错位问题。#39842 @heiyu4585
  • 💄 修复 Select placeholder 样式问题。#40477 @Wxh16144
  • 💄 调整 Descriptions 标签样式使其更容易区分。#40085
  • 💄 优化 QRCode 过期显示样式。#39849
  • 💄 优化 boxShadow token 分级。#40516
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 优化 Badge Tag Tooltip color 类型定义。#39871
    • 🤖 新增 Breakpoint ThmeConfig GlobalToken 类型导出。#40508 @Kamahl19
    • 🤖 更新 Upload fileList 类型。#40585
    • 🤖 移除 Tour ForwardRefRenderFunction。#39924
  • 🌐 国际化

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