yarn antd 5.19.1

3 days ago
  • 🐞 Global: @ant-design/colors use pre-compiled color presets to improve runtime performance. #49714 @guoyunhe
  • 🐞 Global: No more limit max auto zIndex increase but use warning instead. #49720
  • 🐞 Adjust position of Input.TextArea to be consistent with other data entry components. #49718 @wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix Input variant filled activeBorderColor token invalid. #49699 @wanpan11
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 Global: @ant-design/colors 使用预编译颜色预设来提升运行时性能。#49714 @guoyunhe
  • 🐞 Global: 对于弹层类自动增长 zIndex 不再限制最大值,而是改成控制台警告。#49720
  • 🐞 优化 Input.TextArea 清除图标的位置,与其他输入组件统一。#49718 @wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件 filled 变体下 activeBorderColor 不生效问题。#49699 @wanpan11
  • TypeScript

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