yarn antd 5.19.0

2 days ago
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider now supports global configuration for variant. #49535 @MadCcc
  • QRCode
  • 🆕 Select component's filterSort property now includes searchValue parameter. #49352 @MadCcc
  • 🆕 Pagination adds simple property, supports read-only mode, and introduces align property. #49562 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Enhanced Anchor's affix property for more configuration options. #49295 @gin-lsl
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 Fixed missing arrow in DatePicker/TimePicker RangePicker with placement set to topRight or bottomRight.#49333
    • 🐞 Fixed missing accessible text for DatePicker switch button, style issue in RTL mode for DatePicker.RangePicker, and crash when entering wrong end value in year selection of DatePicker.RangePicker.#49333
    • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker.RangePicker resetting selected dates when entering dates via keyboard. #49333
  • 🐞 Button fixed disabled property not working when used as Dropdown trigger. #47363
  • 🐞 InputNumber now warns when using type=number with changeOnWheel. #49648 @wanpan11
  • Table
    • 🐞 Table fixed issue with locale.emptyText showing default value when set to a non-undefined value. #49599 @照明胧
    • 🐞 Fixed Table filter panel not working after customizing global Empty style. #49548 @duqigit
  • 🐞 Upload fixed rendering performance issue when listing many files in list mode. #49598 @tlkv
  • 💄 Added initial styles for SubMenu node in Menu. #49643 @wanpan11
  • 💄 Improved active style for Slider handle. #49630
  • 💄 Optimized variant=borderless style for DatePicker, TimePicker, Select, TreeSelect, Input, InputNumber, Mentions, now distinguishable when setting status property. #49608
  • 🐞 Fixed Typography ellipsis not working when parent has nowrap style. #49667
  • TypeScript:
    • 🤖 ConfigProvider Improved TypeScript definition for renderEmpty method. #49602 @Wxh16144
  • 🌐 Locales
    • 🇹🇭 Added missing Thai translations for Transfer.deselectAll, Text.collapse, QRCode.scanned, ColorPicker.presetEmpty. #49588 by @Tantatorn-dev
    • 🇳🇱 Fixed nl_NL localization issues for Tour. #49612 by @Hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    • 🇹🇷 Adjusted Turkish language text for DatePicker. #49333

  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 现支持全局配置 variant#49535 @MadCcc
  • 🆕 QRCode
  • 🆕 Select 组件的 filterSort 属性现新增获取 searchValue 的参数。#49352 @MadCcc
  • 🆕 Pagination 支持 simple={{ readOnly }} 属性和 align 属性。#49562 @coding-ice
  • 💄 优化了 Slider 滑块的激活样式。#49630
  • 🐞 增强了 Anchor 的 affix 属性,支持更多配置项。#49295 @gin-lsl
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker/TimePicker 的 RangePicker 在 placement 设置为 topRightbottomRight 时箭头丢失的问题。#49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker 切换按钮缺失可访问性文本的问题,修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 在 RTL 模式下的样式问题。#49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 年选择器输入结束值错误导致报错的问题。#49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 键盘输入日期时已选日期重置的问题。#49333
  • 🐞 Button 修复了用作 Dropdown triggerdisabled 属性不生效的问题。#47363
  • 🐞 InputNumber 在同时使用 type=numberchangeOnWheel 时现在会给出警告提示。#49648 @wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 次级菜单 reset 样式丢失的问题。#49643 @wanpan11
  • 💄 优化了 DatePicker、TimePicker、Select、TreeSelect、Input、InputNumber、Mentions 的 variant="borderless" 样式,现在在设置 status 属性时也能够被区分。#49608
  • Table
    • 🐞 Table 修复了 locale.emptyText 设置为非 undefined 值时仍会显示默认值的问题。#49599 @照明胧
    • 🐞 Table 自定义全局组件的 Empty 样式后,Table的过滤面板没生效的问题。#49548 @duqigit
  • 🐞 Upload 修复了在列表模式下文件过多时出现的渲染性能问题。#49598 @tlkv
  • 🐞 Typography 修复在父元素存在 nowrap 样式时,ellipsis 不生效的问题。#49667
  • TypeScript:
    • 🤖 ConfigProvider 改进了 renderEmpty 方法的 TypeScript 类型定义。#49602 @Wxh16144
  • 🌐 国际化
    • 🇹🇭 添加了缺失的泰语翻译,包括 Transfer.deselectAllText.collapseQRCode.scannedColorPicker.presetEmpty#49588 @Tantatorn-dev
    • 🇳🇱 Tour 修复了 nl_NL 本地化问题。#49612 @Hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    • 🇹🇷 调整了 DatePicker 的土耳其语言文案。#49333

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