yarn antd 5.16.1

latest releases: 5.19.0, 5.18.3, 5.18.2...
2 months ago
  • 🛠 Adjust Typography ellipsis logic to use CSS ellipsis in SSR to enhance user experience. #48205
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton config tooltip and badge at same time will make badge customize background not working. #48198 @LonelySnowman

  • 🛠 调整 Typography 的 ellipsis 使其在 SSR 阶段使用 CSS 省略以优化用户体验。#48205
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 中同时配置 tooltipbadge 时, badge 的自定义背景色会失效的问题。#48198 @LonelySnowman

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