yarn antd 5.12.3

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6 months ago
  • 💄 修复 Tag 组件在 SSR 场景下的样式丢失问题。#46500 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 Upload 的 disabled 属性不再对下载按钮生效。#46454
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger 增加一个水平内边距。#46457
  • 🐞 修复 Upload actions 的颜色问题。#46456
  • 🐞 修复 Form 使用 getValueProps 展示值无法更新的问题。#46445
  • 💄 修复 Checkbox 自定义 token.lineWidth 时勾选箭头错位问题。#46431
  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件定制 token 会让 padding 失效的问题。#46427 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Message 在 cssVar 模式下覆盖组件 token 无效的问题。#46415 @MadCcc
  • 💄 Flex 组件不应该应用额外的样式。#46404 @li-jia-nan

  • 💄 Fix Tag that style would be missing in SSR. #46500 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 Upload disabled prop should not affect download icon. #46454
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger add vertical padding style. #46457
  • 🐞 Fix Upload actions color issue. #46456
  • 🐞 Fix Form with getValueProps not working with value update. #46445
  • 💄 Fix Checkbox style when customize token.lineWidth. #46431
  • 🐞 Fix Select that custom token make padding broken. #46427 @MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Message that token overrides not work in cssVar mode. #46415 @MadCcc
  • 💄 Fix Flex component don't apply extra style. #46404 @li-jia-nan

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