yarn antd 4.24.11

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15 months ago
  • 🆕 Drawer panel support event listener. #42712 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fix Upload onChange sometime not sync when in React 18. #43200
  • 🐞 Fix Notification cannot hide close icon by closeIcon={null}. #42791
  • 🐞 Fix Drawer id was passed in incorrectly, and now is always added to the popup panel. #43124 @MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber with prefix abnormal height under Form.Item of hasFeedBack. #43048
  • 🐞 Fix Popover with getPopupContainer sometime makes width too narrow. #42697
  • 🐞 Fix Select will display the letter A under some circumstances. #42654 @tchen-l
  • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider that import useless modules from rc-field-form when importing FormProvider . #42502 @BanShan-Alec
  • 🐞 Fix Popconfirm trigger onVisibleChange twice. #42351
  • 🐞 Fix Form onFieldsChange missing validating status change. #42263
  • 🐞 Fix Popover that display empty div when title and content is null. 19f8505 @MaHui
  • 🐞 Fix Upload disabled logic. #42143 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix RangePicker wrong panel position under some circumstances. #43179 @cooljser
  • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider makes Form component in the bundle even not use it. #43207 @yoyo837
  • 💄 Optimize Spin style to keep height of container the same as child element. #42163 @cheapCoder

  • 🆕 Drawer 组件面板支持事件监听。#42712 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 在 React 18 下 onChange 有时数据不正确的问题。#43200
  • 🐞 修复 Notification 设置 closeIcon={null} 时关闭图标没有消失的问题。#42791
  • 🐞 修复 Drawer id 传入位置不正确的问题,现在始终会添加至弹出面板上。#43124 @MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 带有 prefix 时在 Form.Item hasFeedBack 内高度异常的问题。#43048
  • 🐞 修复 Popover 设置 getPopupContainer 后,某些时候宽度会过窄的问题。#42697
  • 🐞 修复 Select 在某些情况下会显示字母 A 的问题。#42654 @tchen-l
  • 🐞 修复 ConfigProvider 引入 FormProvider 时,错误引入 'rc-field-form' 其他的无关依赖的问题。#42502 @BanShan-Alec
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 的 onVisibleChange 会重复触发的问题。#42351
  • 🐞 修复 Form onFieldsChange 丢失一次 validating 状态变更的更新事件。#42263
  • 🐞 修复 Popover 组件当 titlecontent 都为空时展示空气泡的问题19f8505 @MaHui
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 禁用状态逻辑。#42143 @Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 在某些情况下面板打开未知不正确的问题。#43179 @cooljser
  • 🐞 修复使用 ConfigProvider 会导致未使用的 Form 组件也被打包的问题。#43207 @yoyo837
  • 💄 优化 Spin 样式,保持容器与子元素图标高度一致。#42163 @cheapCoder

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