yarn antd 4.24.0

latest releases: 5.19.0, 5.18.3, 5.18.2...
20 months ago
  • 🔥 Add new component Space.Compact used to replace Input.Group and Button.Group. #37652 @foryuki
  • 🆕 The disabled property on components inside a Form will now take precedence over the disabled property of the Form. #37628 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Add text config for editable Typograph, support enabling ellipsis and editable at the same time. #37761 @zheeeng
  • 🆕 Row align and justify support reponsive value. #37860 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Image add preview.scaleStep prop to adjust the magnitude of zoom in and out and set the default scaleOffset to 0.5. #37340 @coldice945
  • 🆕 Steps support items. #37531 @heiyu4585
  • 🆕 Collapse supports collapsible="icon" to collapse by clicking icon. #37566 @Sheepeer
  • 🆕 Input.Password supports visibilityToggle={{ visible, onVisibleChange }} so that you can manually control password display and hide. #38216 @MrHeer
  • 🆕 Breadcrumb added the menu property. #37885 @JarvisArt
  • 🆕 Dropdown added the menu dropdownRender property, and deprecated the overlay property. #37885 @JarvisArt
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table filterDropdown add close in argument to close filter dropdown only. #37745 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix Table aria-label contains [object Object]. #38160 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fix Tabs component not reading the getPopupContainer property of ConfigProvider. #38238 @ZH-seven
  • 🐞 Fix Tooltip is broken when used in a disabled Menu.Item. #38273
  • 🐞 Fix the issue of miscalculated transform-origin for Tooltip with placement values like topRight or bottomLeft. #38159 @strear
  • 🐞 TimePicker remove redundant warning about using popupClassName. #38190 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fix nest Drawer with default open append document order issue. #37767 #37790
  • 🐞 Fix issue where numbers were not displayed when Badge set both color and count. #37609 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fix Progress zoom behavior in Safari. #38301
  • Modal
    • 🐞 Fix Modal animation flush issue in React 18. #38275
    • 🐞 Fix Modal.method() not focus trigger after close. #38275
  • Transfer
  • 🛠 Refactor Anchor to Function Component, some methods of obtaining ref and calling internal instance methods will invalid.. #38265 #37957 @li-jia-nan @RexSkz
  • 🛠 The layout of the Dropdown.Button component is implemented using Space.Compact instead. #38090 @foryuki
  • 🛠 Optimize the internal implementation of DirectoryTree Typography component. #38184 #38181 @holazz #37716 @zheeeng
  • 💄 Fix TextArea custom border style not working when allowClear is enable. #38101
  • 💄 Fix Popconfirm style issue when icon={null}, now an additional span tag will be wrapped around the icon element. #37384 @edc-hui
  • 💄 Fix Menu highlight style in compact mode. #38223 @messaooudi
  • Carousel
    • 💄 Enlarge Carousel dots hover area for better experience. #38257
    • 💄 Fix Carousel dots margin style not being reset. #38100
  • TypeScript
  • 🌐 Localization

  • 🔥 新增组件 Space.Compact 用以替代 Input.Group 和 Button.Group 组件。#37652 @foryuki
  • 🆕 Form 内组件上的 disabled 属性现在将优先于 Form 的 disabled 属性。#37628 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Typograph 增加 text 配置,支持同时开启省略与编辑模式时的使用。#37761 @zheeeng
  • 🆕 Row 组件的 alignjustify 属性支持设置响应式的值。#37860 @kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Image 增加 preview.scaleStep 属性调整放大缩小的幅度,并将默认的 scaleOffset 设置为 0.5。#37340 @coldice945
  • 🆕 Steps 新增支持 items#37531 @heiyu4585
  • 🆕 Collapse 新增 collapsible="icon" 从而支持点击图标展开收起。#37566 @Sheepeer
  • 🆕 Input.Password 支持 visibilityToggle={{ visible, onVisibleChange }} 从而可以手动控制密码显隐。#38216 @MrHeer
  • 🆕 Breadcrumb 新增 menu 属性。#37885 @JarvisArt
  • 🆕 Dropdown 新增 menu dropdownRender 属性,并废弃了 overlay 属性。#37885 @JarvisArt
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table filterDropdown 新增一个 close 参数对象用于关闭筛选菜单。#37745 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复 Table 组件 aria-label 出现 [object Object] 的问题。#38160 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 组件没有读取 ConfigProvider 的 getPopupContainer 属性的问题。#38238 @ZH-seven
  • 🐞 修复一个在 Menu.Item disabled 内使用 Tooltip 不生效的问题。#38273
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip 在 placement 值为 topRightbottomLeft 时动画原点计算错误的问题。#38159 @strear
  • 🐞 TimePicker 移除使用了 popupClassName 冗余警告。#38190 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复嵌套 Drawer 在默认都设置 open 时,添加至 document 顺序出错的问题。#37767 #37790
  • 🐞 修复 Badge 同时设置 colorcount 时,数字不展示的问题。#37609 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复 Progress 在 Safari 下缩放异常的问题。#38301
  • Modal
    • 🐞 修复在 React 18 下 Modal 动画闪烁的问题。#38275
    • 🐞 修复 Modal.method() 关闭时默认没有聚焦触发元素的问题。#38275
  • Transfer
  • 🛠 重构 Anchor 为 Function Component,之前一些获取 ref 并调用内部实例方法的写法都会失效。#38265 #37957 @li-jia-nan @RexSkz
  • 🛠 Dropdown.Button 改用 Space.Compact 实现。#38090 @foryuki
  • 🛠 优化 DirectoryTree Typography 组件的内部实现。#38184 #38181 @holazz #37716 @zheeeng
  • 💄 修复 TextArea 开启 allowClear 时自定义 border 样式无法生效的问题。#38101
  • 💄 修复 Popconfirm 设置 icon={null} 的时 title padding 仍然存在的问题,现在 icon 元素外会额外包裹一个 span 标签。#37384 @edc-hui
  • 💄 修复 Menu 在紧凑模式下的高亮条样式。#38223 @messaooudi
  • Carousel
    • 💄 扩大 Carousel 切换点的鼠标响应范围,优化切换体验。#38257
    • 💄 修复 Carousel dots 样式未被正确 reset 的问题。#38100
  • TypeScript
  • 🌐 国际化

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