yarn antd 4.11.1

latest releases: 5.21.2, 5.21.1, 5.21.0...
3 years ago
  • 💄 Layout inline sub menu now has grey background. #28842
  • 🆕 PageHeader supports breadcrumbRender. #28999
  • 🆕 Typography ellipsis support tooltip to customize tooltip when ellipsis. #28821
  • Image
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider supports iconPrefixCls. #28924
    • ⚡️ Optimize ConfigProvider props updating perfermance. #28792 @zxc0328
  • 💄 Tweak TreeSelect filter highlight color. #28984
  • 💄 Fix Select item align style with custom tagRender. #28962
  • Form
    • 🐞 Fix Form.Item can not clear nested noStyle error message. #28918
    • 🐞 Form.Item with preserve=false will reset value to initialValues when removed. #28908
  • 🐞 Fix Button click effect style not working in shadow root. #28995 @rinick
  • 🐞 Fix Table custom filter menu cannot close bug. #28688 @alekye
  • Less
    • 💄 Add @menu-inline-submenu-bg less variable and rename @menu-dark-submenu-bg to @menu-dark-inline-submenu-bg. #28842
    • 💄 Add less variable @drawer-footer-padding-horizontal. #28975 @yuxuan
  • RTL
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Expose interfaces and types from default entry of antd. #28963
    • 🤖 Improve Input/Skeleton style definition. #28966 @yingpengsha

  • 💄 Layout 内联子表单添加背景颜色以更好的区分层级。#28842
  • 🆕 PageHeader 支持 breadcrumbRender 属性。#28999
  • 🆕 Typography ellipsis 属性添加 tooltip 支持以自定义收缩时的提示信息。#28821
  • Image
    • 🆕 Image 支持配置 preview.maskClassName#28681
    • 🐞 修复预览图片会跟随鼠标移动的问题。react-component/image#61 @simonwong
    • 🐞 修复 Image placeholder 不显示的问题。#28953
    • 🐞 修复多个 Image.PreviewGroup 之间图片互串的问题。#28881
  • ConfigProvider
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 iconPrefixCls 修改图标样式前缀。#28924
    • ⚡️ 优化 ConfigProvider 切换属性的性能。#28792 @zxc0328
  • 💄 调整 TreeSelect 搜索高亮条目的颜色。#28984
  • 💄 修复 Select 自定义 tagRender 时不对齐的问题。#28962
  • Form
    • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 无法正确清理嵌套的 noStyle 错误信息问题。#28918
    • 🐞 Form.Item 配置 preserve=false 时,移除该字段将自动重置对应值为 initialValues#28908
  • 🐞 修复 Button 点击效果在 Shadow Root 下不生效的问题。#28995 @rinick
  • 🐞 修复 Table 自定义筛选器时未正确关闭菜单的问题。#28688 @alekye
  • Less
    • 💄 新增 less 变量 @drawer-footer-padding-horizontal#28975 @yuxuan
    • 💄 新增 @menu-inline-submenu-bg 变量,且 @menu-dark-submenu-bg 改名为 @menu-dark-inline-submenu-bg#28842
  • RTL
    • 💄 修复 Card 按钮在 RTL 模式下的样式问题。#28915 @Aghosey
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 从 antd 默认入口中直接暴露 TypeScript 定义。#28963
    • 🤖 优化 Input/Skeleton 组件的 style 定义。#28966 @yingpengsha

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