yarn antd 4.10.3

latest releases: 5.21.2, 5.21.1, 5.21.0...
3 years ago
  • 🐞 Fix Button not adapting to the @btn-border-width when loading. #28886 @jjanssen
  • Table
    • 💄 Add @table-border-color less variable. #28903
    • 🐞 Fix that invalid params passed to onChange event if define custom filterDropdown and nested filters. #28850 @Meowu
    • 💄 Tweak Table selection column width to 32px. #28073
  • Transfer
  • Upload
    • 🐞 Support for capturing Error message for the Upload error tooltip. #28716 @wangcch
    • 🆕 Upload auto fills uid of fileList when not provided. #28832
  • 🐞 Fix Slider getPopupContainer prop has no default value document.body. #28865 @rinick
  • 🐞 Fix Empty description validateDOMNesting warning. #28862
  • 💄 Fix Tree filterTreeNode missing style. #28866
  • 💄 fix Badge dot width issue when size="small". #28854

  • 🐞 修复按钮在 loading 加载时 @btn-border-width 失效问题。#28886 @jjanssen
  • Table
    • 🐞 修复 Table 自定义过滤器时 onChange 参数 filters 被错误转换及为空数组的问题。#28850 @Meowu
    • 💄 调整 Table 选中列宽度至 32px#28073
    • 💄 新增 @table-border-color less 变量。#28903
  • Transfer
  • Upload
    • 🐞 支持 Upload 报错提示对 Error 文本信息的捕获(Tooltip)。#28716 @wangcch
    • 🆕 Upload 在 fileList 没有提供 uid 时,会自动对其进行填充。#28832
  • 🐞 修复 Slider getPopupContainer 属性没有默认值 document.body 问题。#28865 @rinick
  • 🐞 修复 Empty description 内使用 div 会报 validateDOMNesting 的问题。#28862
  • 💄 修复 Tree filterTreeNode 高亮样式丢失的问题。#28866
  • 💄 修复 Badge dot 宽度样式。#28854

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