yarn ag-grid-enterprise 27.2.0

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2 years ago

Release 27.2.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6674 Bug [Sparkline] Sparklines label fontSize property type is string instead of number
AG‑6638 Bug [Regression] When using React, rendering a grid with many columns is slower than when using legacy React
AG‑6636 Bug When using server-side row model-partial with a hidden column with autoHeight: true, and setting a column filter value, filtered rows are shown in reduced or stretched height
AG‑6632 Bug [Regression] When using enableRangeSelection=true, selecting a cell range and holding the mouse button pressed moving mouse pointer below the grid, the grid doesn't scroll anymore
AG‑6622 Bug [Regression] When using getRowId callback and calling setRowData API method, onRowDataChanged event not fired
AG‑6621 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with enableRangeSelection=true and embedFullWidthRows=true and enableCellTextSelection=true on the detail level, detail-level cells text cannot be selected
AG‑6614 Bug [Regression] When using Mac and AG Grid row autoHeight=true, scrolling the viewport down quickly some rows remain at default height and auto-height isn't calculated and cell text displayed in a single line
AG‑6611 Bug [Regression] When using row autoHeight=true, focusing a cell near the bottom of the viewport and holding the PAGE DOWN key, the viewport scrolls but the cell focus is lost and scrolling stops
AG‑6610 Bug When using React and row grouping, the autogroup column cells flicker on each call to setDefaultColDef with a valueSetter, valueGetter, cellRenderer, headerName, sort update
AG‑6607 Bug When calling setDefaultColDef API method, auto-group column menu popup closes
AG‑6606 Bug When calling setDefaultColDef API method, grid auto-group column cells lose focus
AG‑6605 Bug [Regression] When groupMaintainOrder=true and sorting a non-grouped column, group row order is not maintained
AG‑6598 Bug When using pivoting with multi-level grouping (groupHideOpenParents=true) and pagination, expanding all row groups from the group column menu displays an empty grid with no rows
AG‑6597 Bug When filtering a grouped column, modifying the grouped columns (reorder, remove, add a group column), the previously filtered grouped column no longer appears as filtered and changing the filter values doesn't update the floating filter anymore
AG‑6592 Bug When using SSRM-partial, focusing a grid cell and pressing the END key doesn't focus the last row grid cell
AG‑6590 Bug When resizing a column down and clicking the resize handle of a column 2 columns left, the middle column cell values render over the right-most column's cell values
AG‑6589 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM-partial, filtering on a grouped column then ungrouping that column causes two calls to getRows instead of one
AG‑6584 Bug When using localization, aria labels of values and column labels areas in the columns tool panel are incorrect
AG‑6583 Bug When using localization, right-clicking a column with enableValue=true in the columns tool panel, displays ${variable} instead of the column name in the context menu
AG‑6578 Bug When using a pie chart and calling AgChart.update(), an exception is thrown
AG‑6577 Task [Plunker] Add package.json file to Typescript examples to enable autocompletion and type checking
AG‑6571 Bug [Regression] When using tree data with autoHeight=true on a column, row height values returned by getRowHeight for parent rows are ignored and parent rows are set to default row height
AG‑6565 Task [Pivoting] Preserve Pivot State when toggling Pivot Mode
AG‑6564 Bug [Regression] When using React with immutable data and a custom cellRenderer, an exception is thrown
AG‑6563 Bug [Regression] When using headerClass or cellClass to provide multiple CSS classes inside the same string, an exception is thrown and the grid isn't rendered
AG‑6561 Task [Pivoting] Preserve secondary columns expanded state when inserting data that adds a new secondary columns
AG‑6558 Bug When creating multiple integrated charts via API, modifying the series order of the first chart, the series order of the chart created second cannot be changed
AG‑6557 Bug When exporting to Excel, using '&' (ampersand) character in sheetName exports a corrupt file
AG‑6556 Bug [Regression] When using autoHeight=true, cell content does not fill the entire width of the cell
AG‑6554 Bug [Regression] When using React, applying filter model to a custom filter component the grid doesn't render and throws an exception
AG‑6545 Bug When providing duplicate row ids in getRowId callback, the console warning incorrectly refers to the old getRowNodeId callback instead
AG‑6542 Bug [Regression] When using React with a custom sidebar component, a re-render of the grid throws an exception in the console
AG‑6527 Bug [Regression] When enableRangeSelection=true, content in the edited cell cannot be selected
AG‑6518 Bug When using tabToNextCell and navigateToNextCell callbacks, params.previousCellPosition.rowPinned is undefined when it should be null
AG‑6512 Bug [Filtering] SetFilter Excel Mode filter-list behaviour inconsistent with mini-filter behaviour
AG‑6500 Bug [Regression] When setting headerStyle in defaultColGroupDef, having an empty column group cell has incorrect CSS class and all subsequent column group cells to have an incorrect CSS classes set
AG‑6498 Bug When using server-side row model (SSRM) partial, returning non-unique ids via getRowNodeId causes grid to display loading indicators for all rows
AG‑6440 Task [Charts] Improve API reference pages
AG‑6375 Bug [Regression] When using React, building the application code produces a lot of warnings about missing source maps
AG‑6303 Bug When pivoting a string-type column, column filtering resets secondary column state (column width, order, pinning, etc)
AG‑6231 Bug When using tree data, calling applyTransaction to insert new rows at the lower levels (not root) adds the new row at addIndex-1, not at the addIndex value
AG‑6130 Task [Typing] ITooltipParams the apis are optional
AG‑5837 Bug When displaying an area series with missing values, the missing values are plotted as 0 values
AG‑5824 Bug When a datum with null/undefined/NaN X-value is provided to a chart using time axis, a point to represent this datum is still rendered (it shouldn't be rendered)
AG‑5421 Task [Row Sorting] Add multi-column sorting option to always sort on multiple columns without pressing shift key
AG‑4571 Task [Pivoting] Allow saving and restoring ColumnState with Primary/Secondary Columns in pivot mode
AG‑3353 Task [API] Standardize all callbacks so that they all receive a params object with gridApi / columnApi / context etc..
AG‑3326 Task [Column Pinning] Allow columns to be 'locked' to the RHS of the grid
AG‑2168 Task [Pivoting] Allow filtering in secondary columns when pivoting
AG‑1228 Task [Column Filtering] Allow filtering on aggregated group level values

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