yarn ag-grid-enterprise 27.0.0

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2 years ago

Release 27.0.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6319 Task [React] Remove isPopup() and getPopupPosition() API methods for Custom Cell Editors
AG‑6312 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM-partial and autoHeight=false, adding a new row reduces the heights of all visible rows
AG‑6311 Bug When using ReactUI, clicking on a grid cell removes the hovered style for the row
AG‑6309 Bug When using ReactUI=true and a custom cell editor with an input field firing an onBlur event, navigating away from the edited cell does not trigger the onBlur event
AG‑6308 Bug When using ReactUI with pivoting, adding a value column displays an error in console
AG‑6307 Bug When using ReactUI with master/detail detailRowAutoHeight=true, providing a custom detail cell renderer uses default height (300px) instead of correct auto-height
AG‑6305 Bug When using ReactUI with cellEditorPopup=true, focusing a cell editor and pressing TAB key takes focus out of the grid
AG‑6294 Bug When using ReactUI=true and valueGetter in the auto-group column, the grid throws an exception
AG‑6292 Bug When using ReactUI=true with pinned columns, a second set state causes the pinned column cells to not display any data (because the pinned column has lost its width)
AG‑6290 Bug When using ReactUI=true and agMultiColumnFilter as a floating filter, opening the floating filter or column menu and unmounting the grid throws an exception
AG‑6287 Task [Accessibility] Allow using the keyboard to move columns in the column tool panel to the row groups, values, column labels panels
AG‑6286 Bug [Regression] When setting enableCharts=true, initially rendering the grid in Chrome, multiple console warnings are output about non-passive touchstart and wheel event listeners being added
AG‑6279 Bug When using ReactUI and enableRangeSelection=true, adding a group column via API throws an exception and doesn't render the group column values
AG‑6274 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight=true on a column and using a custom cell background color, the horizontal borders between rows aren't displayed in the autoHeight=true column
AG‑6271 Bug When using ReactUI and selecting a cell range, setting new column definitions via a state variable throws an exception
AG‑6265 Bug When evaluating cellClassRules classes, this happens in O(n^2) instead of O(n)
AG‑6264 Bug React UI Regressions
AG‑6262 Bug When calling api.setQuickFilter with a non-string value, an exception in thrown
AG‑6257 Bug [Regression] When using integrated charts, updating a large amount of data in the grid causes chart to briefly disappear
AG‑6256 Bug [Regression] When getting the set filter instance for a column with filter=false, calling api.onFilterChanged throws an exception
AG‑6255 Bug [Regression] When using a custom header component inside a column group, the init method gets invoked for the custom header component even if the group is already removed
AG‑6251 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail, updating a master row sets its detailGridInfo to null
AG‑6250 Bug [Regression] When importing AG Grid with modules, using server-side row model-partial and setting a column filter value, result rows are stretched in height to occupy the total height of the unfiltered rows
AG‑6247 Bug [Regression] When pivoting and updating a state variable in React, secondary column header name isn't updated
AG‑6246 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight:true and wrapText:true and defining a style with a right cell border, for a row with a cell that's wrapped the border is not rendered in cells that don't have wrapped cell values
AG‑6245 Task [Accessibility] Allow announcing the filter operation select element as a combobox (it is currently simply announced as "clickable")
AG‑6238 Bug When using ReactUI=true, calling grid API methods while grid is first rendering is throwing an exception
AG‑6235 Bug [Regression] When setting cellClass for a column but not returning any value for some cells, an exception is thrown and cells without a style set aren't rendered
AG‑6233 Bug When using ReactUI=true and filterValueGetter on the group column, updating state throws an exception
AG‑6226 Task [Docs] Add a docs example showing how to build a progress bar using a bar sparkline
AG‑6223 Bug When providing row node ids via the getRowNodeId callback, providing a 0 value returns it as a number instead of a string
AG‑6222 Bug [Regression] When using agNumberColumnFilter, a filter model with value 0 for any filter operation cannot be restored
AG‑6220 Bug [Regression] When using automatic row height (autoHeight=true), the grid enters an infinite loop in measureHeight
AG‑6204 Task [Charts] Preserve scroll position when tabbing between integrated chart menu tabs
AG‑6192 Bug When displaying a stacked area series with negative data values normalised to 1 the Y-axis range includes positive values
AG‑6191 Bug When stacked area series is normalised to some values, it causes misplacement of a marker in the top left corner of the chart
AG‑6188 Bug [Regression] When using the integrated pivot chart with multiple line series, x-axis labels are repeated for every series
AG‑6187 Task [Typing] Correct Chart Options
AG‑6186 Task Allow Framework Components to be registered without xxxFramework
AG‑6185 Bug When using ReactUI=true and a JavaScript cell renderer component, updating the cell value appends multiple instances of the cell renderer output
AG‑6180 Task [Accessibility] Allow screen reader announcements of group column items in row group panel and keyboard navigation for enumerating and removing row group panel group column items
AG‑6178 Task [Excel Export] Allow exporting collapsible column groups in AG Grid as collapsible column groups in the Excel export
AG‑6172 Bug When using tree-data with server-side row model and calling refreshServerSideStore for a route with a leaf node which becomes a parent node, the row doesn't get refreshed
AG‑6169 Bug When using numeric x-values with category x-axis in combination charts, the x-axis labels repeat themselves and series are rendered side by side
AG‑6168 Bug Updating chart data for combination charts causes the x-axis to flicker
AG‑6167 Bug [Regression] When exporting grid data to XML format, the exported content format no longer includes style data in the header
AG‑6161 Bug [Regression] When using autoHeight=true and wrapText=true calling the api.resetRowHeights method sets rows height to default and renders the cell value wrapped text over the cells below
AG‑6155 Bug [Regression] When setting suppressAnimationFrame: true, console warnings are output
AG‑6143 Bug [Regression] When a column has autoHeight: true and rendering a null/undefined/empty cell value, the default cell renderer has no height and cannot be clicked
AG‑6142 Bug [Regression] When using provided set filter values including nulls and an empty string, the empty string is represented with a separate set filter item instead of included in the (Blanks) item
AG‑6140 Bug Type SortModel using string literals for sort direction and correct IHeaderParams setSort typing
AG‑6139 Bug [Docs] When printing using the printing documentation example, console errors are emitted
AG‑6135 Bug [Regression] When all bar series are hidden via the legend, the Y-axis disappears
AG‑6134 Bug When the chart navigator is zoomed in and the chart is updated, column items are rendered outside of chart area
AG‑6132 Bug When using ReactUI with tree data, quick-filtering and deleting the quick filter text throws an exception
AG‑6120 Bug When using ReactUI=true, providing column definition aggFunc values 'avg' or 'count' throws an exception
AG‑6116 Bug [Regression] React Example Repo - Redux Example Throws Exception
AG‑6115 Bug [Typing] Scatter Chart Paired config option does nothing
AG‑6113 Task [Typing] Typo in AgDropShadowOptions interface - "blue" property should be called "blur"
AG‑6111 Task [Integrated Charts] Change chartType to a string literal instead of enum type
AG‑6109 Bug [Regression] When using a pinned column with row auto-height, the vertical separator between the pinned column and the rest of the columns doesn't extend the entire height of the cell
AG‑6107 Bug When using ReactUI=true and enableRtl=true, grid doesn't render and throws an exception
AG‑6105 Task [Docs] Clarify that registering a grid module makes it available to all grids
AG‑6104 Bug When using ReactUI=true, auto-sizing a column is significantly slower
AG‑6100 Bug When using ReactUI=true with pivoting, calling api.setFilerModel throws an exception
AG‑6089 Bug When filtering a grouped column and ungrouping/regrouping the column, modifying the group filter doesn't update the floating filter input values
AG‑6087 Bug When using React with ReactUI=true, complex row spanning example throws exception
AG‑6086 Bug [Regression] When setting an in-range filter with 0 as a lower bound, the filter is not applied
AG‑6085 Bug When the standalone chart data is updated, the current navigator position is reset
AG‑6084 Bug [Regression] When filtering boolean values using the set filter, no records are displayed in the grid
AG‑6083 Task [Typing] Create ISetFilter and IMultiFilter interface to type public methods
AG‑6079 Task [Typing] Allow tooltipValueGetter to return strings as well as custom objects (for use in custom tooltip components)
AG‑6078 Bug When using ReactUI, dragging a column resize handle is slow and not responsive
AG‑6068 Task [Typing] Excel Interior does not support undefined options
AG‑6066 Task [Typing] Support undefined refreshSeverSideStore params
AG‑6065 Bug getRowStyle API method typing incorrectly doesn't allow returning an 'undefined' value
AG‑6064 Bug [Regression] When cell editor popup is used it cannot be displayed under the edited cell (because getPopupPosition return value is ignored by editors)
AG‑6061 Task [Sparkline] Allow a crosshair (a horizontal and a vertical line crossing at the mouse pointer location) to displayed when hovering the sparkline area
AG‑6060 Task [Typing] Allow setPinnedTopRowData and setPinnedBottomRowData API methods to take undefined as an input parameter
AG‑6059 Bug When tabbing through floating filter inputs, tabbing into a column without a floating filter or without a floating filter button prevents focusing the next column floating filter input
AG‑6057 Bug [Regression] When using React with useEffect hook to load data in the grid, data is loaded twice
AG‑6056 Bug When providing grid data via a state variable, row dragging/dropping doesn't update the row data
AG‑6054 Bug Callbacks navigateToNextHeader, tabToNextHeader, navigateToNextCell, tabToNextCell) can't return a null value
AG‑6052 Bug [Regression] When using an agNumberColumnFilter to filter for values equal to 0, no values are returned
AG‑6051 Bug When using integrated charts to chart all rows in a grid, grand/group total footer rows shouldn't be included
AG‑6049 Task [Typing] HeaderClass type needs checking
AG‑6046 Bug [Regression] When de-selecting any non-blank set filter item, blank values also get filtered out from the grid even though the (blanks) set filter item is selected
AG‑6044 Bug When showing multiple series in a doughnut chart, chart segments are not sized correctly and only their right halves get displayed
AG‑6041 Bug [Regression] When re-ordering grid columns via drag and drop in Safari, all elements on the page are selected
AG‑6039 Task [Typing] Set header height types incorrect
AG‑6031 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM (partial and full store types) with master-detail, calling setExpanded on master rows throws an exception
AG‑6030 Bug When using React with TypeScript, error is displayed about the api object not being a member of AgGridReact
AG‑6029 Task [SSRM] Make getRowNodeId callback required when using SSRM and selection
AG‑6027 Bug When using ReactUI and not registering ClientSideRowModelModule, rendering the grid throws an exception
AG‑6026 Bug [React] When using ReactUI with enableRangeSelection=true, clicking a grid cell and then modifying a state variable throws an exception and the grid doesn't render anymore
AG‑6022 Task Rename 'Original Group' in Grid API
AG‑6014 Bug Remove dependency on vue-class-component for Vue 3 packages
AG‑5987 Bug [Regression] When enableBrowserTooltips=true, the displayed tooltip value is escaped twice
AG‑5974 Bug When using integrated charts to chart a column that doesn't have chartDataType: 'series' and has cell values including undefined/null, the chart displays a message 'No data available to be charted'
AG‑5969 Bug When exporting to Excel, the patternColor setting is not applied to the cells in the exported Excel file
AG‑5966 Bug When rows are narrow, clicking inside a selection checkbox doesn't check it
AG‑5953 Task [Keyboard Navigation] Deprecate suppressCellSelection and rename it to suppressCellFocus to better reflect its effect on cell focus, not selection
AG‑5948 Bug When setting suppressCellSelection: true, only cell focus styling is suppressed, not cell focus
AG‑5931 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight to a non-boolean value, grid rows are continuously resizing
AG‑5902 Task [Clipboard] Allow normalizing copied cell ranges and pasting copied values in the order they appear in the grid (just like Excel) instead of in the order they were selected
AG‑5899 Bug When using custom detail with autoHeight: true, expanding a master row causes flicker as detail row changes size
AG‑5865 Bug When using integrated charts with a grid with a bottom pinned row, the chart only renders an element to represent the first grid row, ignoring the remaining rows
AG‑5862 Bug When using an infinite row model or server-side row model (partial), the default value for maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests is not respected and AG Grid makes more concurrent requests than allowed
AG‑5836 Task [Sparkline] Allow displaying the sparkline tooltip at a custom offset from the mouse cursor location
AG‑5718 Bug refreshView API method is deprecated, but used in example code
AG‑5703 Bug [React] When opening grid instance in new window using React portal, grid doesn't respond to column resizing, context menu closing, cell copying
AG‑5681 Task [Layout & Styles] Allow reevaluating the rowClassRules without redrawing the entire row and recreating cellRenderers
AG‑5674 Bug When using stacked 100% chart type, having negative values in a stack causes its height to exceed 100%
AG‑5310 Bug When the column menu is opened via the column header cell, return focus to column header cell after the column menu is closed
AG‑5268 Task [Column Filter] Set Filter - make newRowsAction 'keep' by default
AG‑5169 Task [Column Filter] Use valueGetterParams in the filterParams valueGetter instead of just the node as param
AG‑5044 Task [Column Filters] Add more params to the textCustomComparator including rowNode, valueFormatter and actual value
AG‑4839 Task [Column Headers] Allow setting the horizontal position of the column (start,end,middle) when using ensureColumnVisible
AG‑4797 Task [Tooltip] Allow setting a custom hide tooltip timeout value
AG‑4734 Task [Column Filtering] Add a "non-blank" filter operation to all simple filters
AG‑4624 Task [Deprecation] KeyboardEvent.which and KeyboardEvent.keyCode should be deprecated
AG‑3565 Task [Column Sizing] Allow group column header values to be considered when performing column autosize
AG‑2824 Task [Clipboard] Allow the context menu "Copy with Column Headers" to work with multiple column header levels (column groups / secondary columns)
AG‑2733 Bug When focusing a cell whose height exceeds available viewport height, PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys don't scroll the viewport anymore
AG‑2358 Task [Status bar] Allow changing the title and formatting the number value of the default status bar components (avg, count, min, max and sum)

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