- fixes #1421 - suggestions dropdown overflows outside the right side of the viewport if positionTo == 'text' is set and the typed text is at the right edge of the viewport a57b4c0
- fix: remove unreachable return statement in events.js to streamline tag input handling f102c7b
- fix: improve optional chaining for closest method in isNodeBelongsToThisTagifyInstance function 7f9120c
- bugfix: when in mix-mode and tyrping a tag, and suggestions show only one item (the thing being typed) it wasn't able to be added using ENTER key 2f936f4
- #1429 - pasting doesn't work in select mode and does not fire a "paste" event 29f0120
- fixes #1431 - if multiple instances of (Select) Tagify exists, tabbing is impossible as the first instance is trapping the focus 73df18a
- fixes #1432 - "Tag element does not exist" 4c0bd8e