yarn @yaireo/tagify 4.17.5

latest releases: 4.24.0, 4.23.0, 4.22.2...
16 months ago
  • Undoing #384 fix as it seems. This also fixes #1153 4224eb9

  • changes React file from js to jsx 5556c33

  • fixes #1155 - should again take inco consideration the dropdown might be open when the timeout fires 7f6f787

  • fixes #1154 - "isCaretAfterTag" is sometimes "true" and not an element, so make sure it's an element before continuing 6317fc7

  • mix-mode is better initialized by default with dropdown.position as text 903444c

  • added missing argument in function's comment 1ec88c3

  • added pnpm lock file 17e2884


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