yarn @yaireo/tagify 4.0.1

latest releases: 4.26.6, 4.26.5, 4.26.4...
3 years ago
  • fixes #787 - updated addTags to use DOM fragment for better performance when adding tons of tags at-once (copy=paste) 6a34aaa
  • improved filtering suggestions for "select" mode: if a tag was chosen, do not filter by value until the tag is erased or was edited. if tag is edited so all characters removed, then the field blured - the tag is now removed. Also when editing the text and bluring, the tag is updated. 70d89e8
  • improved demo for "select" mode 263c78e
  • makes more sense to use "auto" since the X button should be to the right (in LTR) 1b5b7dc
  • fixes #786 - Can't make tagTextProp work when mode select is set 699eab6


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