yarn @vitest/ui 0.26.0

latest releases: 3.0.8, 3.0.7, 3.0.6...
2 years ago

   🚨 Breaking Changes

  • vite-node: Rewrite how vite-node resolves id  -  by @sheremet-va in #2463 (58ee8)
  • Correctly interop nested default for external and inlined modules  -  by @sheremet-va in #2512 (084e9)
    • If your environment is node, Vitest will not resolve invalid named exports (exports that are on "default" property will not magically appear as named exports), unless deps.interopDefault is enabled, or dependency is in deps.inline. This change doesn't affect jsdom, happy-dom or edge environments.
  • web-worker: Make web-worker implementation more compatible with spec  -  by @sheremet-va in #2431 (c3a63)
    • Messages are now cloned with structuredClone, if it's available, or fallbacks to a polyfill.
    • Added support for SharedWorker

   🚀 Features

   🐞 Bug Fixes

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