yarn @typescript-eslint/parser 4.19.0

latest releases: 7.11.1-alpha.17, 7.11.1-alpha.16, 7.11.1-alpha.15...
3 years ago

4.19.0 (2021-03-22)

Bug Fixes

  • eslint-plugin: [member-delimiter-style] correct invalid fix for multiline with params on the same line (#3177) (7ad343b)
  • eslint-plugin: [promise-function-async] bad fixer with computed and literal methods (#3163) (e3a3ea0)
  • typescript-estree: [ts 4.2] add support for import type equal declaration (#3189) (6a25faf)


  • eslint-plugin: [object-curly-spacing] support MappedType (#3176) (0557a43)
  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] improve error message (#3203) (5cc5d2e), closes #3201

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