6.2.0 (2023-07-24)
Bug Fixes
- eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] account for repeated names (#6864) (d207b59)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-enum-comparison] exempt bit shift operators (#7074) (b3e0e75)
- eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle case when type of left side is null or undefined (#7225) (b62affe)
- eslint-plugin: use a default export for the rules type (#7266) (af77a1d)
- typescript-estree: fix TSNode type error on old ts versions (#7267) (f2aed1b)
- eslint-plugin: [class-methods-use-this] add extension rule (#6457) (18ea3b1)
- eslint-plugin: sync getFunctionHeadLoc implementation with upstream (#7260) (f813147)
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