yarn @syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids 27.1.55

11 hours ago

Accumulation Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I642553 - The legend text size now updates correctly when resizing the accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I641213 - Data points in a multi-pane chart no longer collapse when zooming in canvas mode.
  • #I641366 - The border for the multi-pane chart now renders correctly in canvas mode.
  • #I640624 - The Moving Average trendline now functions as expected when the period is set to one.
  • #I642177 - The columnWidthInPixel property now works correctly in the transposed stacked column chart.
  • #I638097 - The scrollbar now functions properly during data binding.
  • #I644765 - Series now renders properly when the axis interval is zero.


Bug Fixes

  • #I632734 - Fixed an issue where the page automatically scrolled to the top when users began typing in the masked datetime picker on iPad.


Bug Fixes

  • #I635721 - The undo and redo actions work during swimlane deletion, even when the swimlane's delete constraint is disabled.
  • #I638627 - The tooltip for the annotation is now visible when the text overflow is set to Ellipsis or Clip.
  • #I595572, #I632276 - The undefined exception will no longer be thrown when moving a node with Line Routing enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I636914 - Now track changes working as expected when using collaboration.
  • #I641336 - Resolved the text overlap issue in document uploading.
  • #I636876 - Now script error does not get thrown when unmounting the DocumentEditor with collaboration.
  • #I638548 - Resolved the issue of document stays loading.
  • #I637068 - Now proper font family is updated for splitted Chinese text.
  • #I618565 - Now text get highlighted properly if user clicks on comment.


Bug Fixes

  • #I612750 - Fixed an issue where updateData was throwing an error when filtering in a DropDownList.


Bug Fixes

  • #I641183 - Resolved the flat data navigation path and rename arguments issues in File Manager component.


Bug fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I642129 - The script error that occurred when adding a new row with a dateonly column in Batch edit mode has been resolved.
  • #I643285 - The script error caused by the pager when using a custom locale has been resolved.
  • #I641645 - Resolved the misalignment of print grid cells for lazy loading with multi-column grouping.
  • #I638401 - In AdaptiveUI Grid, the localization issue with the filter dialog header text is still present, but the issue with the filter icon title has been resolved.
  • #I641453 - Fixed an issue where unsupported characters were present in the pt and pt-BR localization JSON files.
  • #F194581 - Fixed an issue where the Excel filter in the grid was not functioning correctly when localization was enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I641562 - Fixed an issue where pasting a number with spaces resulted in a blank entry.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I638745 - Now, the sticky notes annotation is correctly added when the PDF Viewer window is resized to a smaller size, with the sticky annotation option available in the toolbar dropdown menu.
  • #I637865 - Now, the form field type updates properly when switching fields without adding in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I637742 - Now, the annotations are not missing, and no script errors occur when enableThumbnail and isThumbnailViewOpen are enabled.
  • #I634412 - Now, the stamp annotation is no longer missing when printing the imported annotations.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I640765 - The cumulative percentage values will now be displayed correctly in the tooltip when hovering over the chart series of the Pareto chart.


  • #I639409 - Issue with "Custom operator not working properly in QueryBuilder While dynamically change locale property" has been fixed.

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • #I628053 - Now, the rich text editor properly sanitizes and encodes tab characters in JavaScript alerts.

  • #I553157 - Now, the bullet list format is properly removed when pasting content from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I640949 - Now, image duplication is prevented when shiftEnterKey is pressed on a paragraph in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I639924 - Now, the format toolbar will be updated properly when the cursor is in front of the table.

  • #I640818 - Now, being typed with zero-width-space works without any console error.

  • #I640976 - Now, the width and height attributes of images will reflect their specified values, rather than defaulting to auto, after insertion and replacement in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I639718 - Now, when enableResize is set to true, the IFrame editor resize event will be unbound properly.

  • #I637651 - Now, the issue where the editor was lagging after inserting a mention value has been resolved.

  • #I641503 - Now the cutting and pasting list works properly in the rich text editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I592841 - An issue where resizing was not functioning correctly in timeline views when using the startHour and endHour properties has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I633166 - Issue with "exported excel retains the most recently applied conditional formatting rule when multiple conditional formats are applied to the same range" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I592870 - Now the issue with unable to navigate to the next step when the step's disabled state is dynamically updated in linear mode has been resolved.

  • #I640774 - Now the issue with progress bar misalignment during dynamic updates of the step label has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I640676 - An issue with the arguments returned in the selected event of the Tab when using the removeTab method with hidden Tab items has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • F61804 - Fixed an issue where the selection was not clearing when a checkbox was selected and the row was expanded.

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