yarn @syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids 26.1.40

3 days ago


Bug Fixes

  • #I604532 - Removed exclamation mark from comments in the chart source.


Bug Fixes

  • #I602047 - The issue with "CheckBox change event triggered twice when setting label as HTML string element" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I603191 - Fixed console error on component rendering when using float label with outline cssClass property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I598320 - The exception is no longer thrown when adding a node at runtime in the unit test case.
  • #I597330 - Expanding and collapsing nodes multiple times now works properly.
  • #I596153 - Unselecting a selected node using CTRL+Click now works properly when zoom pan is enabled.
  • #I595572 - The Exception is no longer thrown when drag and drop shapes on top of each other repeatedly with Line Routing.
  • #F188009 - The Exception is no longer thrown When Loading Data Without Defining Node Template at Application Level.
  • #F188626 - Position of BPMN activity loop node is now properly rendered while save and load.


Bug Fixes

  • #I599170 - Resolved the bookmarks are not added properly in Document Editor.
  • #I599982 - Resolved the bookmark not navigation issue while clicking the hyperlink.
  • #I600181 - Resolved the script error issue when modify the levels in table of contents.
  • #I598250 - Resolved the before comment action event behaviour issues.
  • #I576525 - Resolved the performance issue when editing paragraph that split into multiple pages.
  • #I600212, #I429607 - Resolved the bookmark is not retrieved when selecting the table cell.


  • #I559439 - Added support to apply multicolumn for selected paragraph.


Bug Fixes

  • #I600175 - Resolved the issue where a console error occurred during the filtering action with empty text in the data source of the Dropdown Tree.

  • #F150455 - The issue with the showSelectAll property, which occurred after performing the filtering action in the Dropdown Tree component, has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I603473 - Resolved the issue where the context menu item in the File Manager component remained disabled after opening the context menu for the root folder in the navigation pane.


Bug Fixes

  • #F58905 - Fixed an issue where the min and max validation rules were not functioning correctly.


Bug fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #FB58829 - Resolved the ColumnChooser position misalignment issue.
  • #FB58782 - Resolved the problem that arises when using the format option N2 and setting the type as number.
  • #I598304 - Resolved the issue where the date column Excel filter not includes previous selected value with EnableInfiniteScrolling in filterSettings.
  • #I600803 - The issue of the FilterBar cell being misaligned in the checkbox column has been resolved.

Image Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I603404 - The issue with "ImageEditor drawText method text selection issue with multiline" has been resolved.
  • #I603806 - The issue with "ImageEditor Undo/Redo collection was not working properly for pen drawing annotation" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I603191 - Fixed console error on component rendering when using float label with outline cssClass property.


Bug Fixes

  • #F185120 - Now, the resize window works properly after the kanban is destroyed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I599609 - Issue with "Scroller was not added properly to listbox while setting height to the parent element as percentage value" has been resolved.

  • #I600939 - Provide the native mouse event arguments support to the listbox drag event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I549354 - Fixed issue where the search API was triggered without typing mentionChar when using Data Manager as the source.


Bug fixes

  • #I598990 - The issue where the request to the server was not made when typing faster into the input has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I598100 - Now, when importing the position of the exported ink annotation is correct.
  • #I598074 - Now, the annotations are not missing in annotationCollection after undo action.
  • #I599164 - Now, the highlight position is working properly for OCR documents in client and server-side rendering.
  • #I597488 , #I599166 - Now, the page rendering performance has been increased.
  • #I599114 - Now, the required page requests are only sent when we scroll using the mouse or touchpad.
  • #I598716 - Now, the signature field indicator is placed in correct position in the provided document without FormDesigner module.
  • #I598109 - Now, the performance issue did not occur when updating multiple form fields at once.


Bug fixes

  • #I594323 - In the pivot field list UI, date group fields are now properly displayed under their parent field name.


Bug Fixes

  • #I600597 - Issue with QueryBuilder validation message is not shown for date type column has been fixed.
  • #I600637 - Issue with QueryBuilder numeric text box validation message not shown while using template has been fixed.
  • #I604645 - Issue with Script error thrown in numeric textbox QueryBuilder while type special character like comma and dot has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I595611 - Now, localization texts work properly for the source code and preview tooltips in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I595571 - Now, inserting the table into the RichTextEditor works properly while using the quick toolbar settings in the editor.

  • #I534515 - Now, the cursor position is maintained properly when inserting image caption text in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I598541 - Now, the quick toolbar in the Rich Text Editor works properly and does not get hidden behind the dialog.

  • #F188888 - Now, when setting the layoutOption to 'Break' in the insertVideoSettings, the break is applied to the embedded video element in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I598973 - Now, when you paste a link and then click the Shift+Enter, it should not cause the page to collapse and the cursor to remain maintained properly.

  • #I596139 - Now, the afterPasteCleanup event returns the proper values in the Valueargument when pasting the image into the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I597774 - Now, enabling and disabling the toolbar on the focus and blur events, respectively, doesn't bind the drop event multiple times, and it works properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I603711 - An issue where the custom editor window did not destroy the rich text editor component has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I572103 - Issue with "unable to select cell references for the formula argument using the Ctrl+Click action" has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • F58902 - Fixed an issue where the CollapseAll / ExpandAll button in the toolbar was not working properly when virtualization was enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #I604992 - The issue while rendering multiple checkboxes for the same tree node in the TreeView throws a script error has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I601231 - Fixed issue where change event would return all uploaded files instead of single file when multiple is set to false.

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