yarn @storybook/addon-viewport 6.3.0

latest releases: 0.0.0-pr-28471-sha-3051a5b2, 0.0.0-pr-28471-sha-0136d9a2, 0.0.0-pr-28460-sha-b938a95e...
3 years ago

Optimized for UI development

SB6.3 adds new UI development and testing features, while evolving with the JS ecosystem:

  • 📐 Layout debugging with Measure and Outline addons
  • 🔌 Reuse your stories in unit tests: Jest, Cypress & more
  • 🚀 Frameworks: Angular 12 Ivy, Lit2 web components
  • 🛠 Builders: Webpack5 stable, Vite community
  • 📦 Packaging: Modern ESM

It also contains hundreds more fixes, features, and tweaks. Browse the changelogs matching 6.3.0-alpha.*, 6.3.0-beta.*, and 6.3.0-rc.* for the full list of changes. See Storybook 6 migration guide to upgrade from 5.x or MIGRATION.md for detailed migration instructions.

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