yarn @sentry/nextjs 9.6.0

22 hours ago

Important Changes

  • feat(tanstackstart): Add @sentry/tanstackstart-react package and make @sentry/tanstackstart package a utility package (#15629)

    Since TanStack Start is supposed to be a generic framework that supports libraries like React and Solid, the @sentry/tanstackstart SDK package was renamed to @sentry/tanstackstart-react to reflect that the SDK is specifically intended to be used for React TanStack Start applications.
    Note that the TanStack Start SDK is still in alpha status and may be subject to breaking changes in non-major package updates.

Other Changes

  • feat(astro): Accept all vite-plugin options (#15638)
  • feat(deps): bump @sentry/webpack-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 (#15627)
  • feat(tanstackstart): Refine initial API (#15574)
  • fix(core): Ensure fill only patches functions (#15632)
  • fix(nextjs): Consider pageExtensions when looking for instrumentation file (#15701)
  • fix(remix): Null-check options (#15610)
  • fix(sveltekit): Correctly parse angle bracket type assertions for auto instrumentation (#15578)
  • fix(sveltekit): Guard process variable (#15605)

Work in this release was contributed by @angelikatyborska and @nwalters512. Thank you for your contributions!

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser 23.15 KB
@sentry/browser - with treeshaking flags 22.94 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) 36.21 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) 73.39 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - with treeshaking flags 66.8 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) 78.01 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 90.57 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) 40.3 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) 27.79 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. FeedbackAsync) 32.58 KB
@sentry/react 24.97 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing) 38.1 KB
@sentry/vue 27.4 KB
@sentry/vue (incl. Tracing) 37.9 KB
@sentry/svelte 23.18 KB
CDN Bundle 24.36 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) 36.26 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) 71.27 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 76.45 KB
CDN Bundle - uncompressed 71.19 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) - uncompressed 107.57 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) - uncompressed 218.84 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - uncompressed 231.4 KB
@sentry/nextjs (client) 39.27 KB
@sentry/sveltekit (client) 36.63 KB
@sentry/node 142.15 KB
@sentry/node - without tracing 95.58 KB
@sentry/aws-serverless 119.92 KB

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