yarn @sentry/nextjs 8.45.1

latest releases: 8.47.0, 8.46.0
3 days ago
  • fix(feedback): Return when the sendFeedback promise resolves (#14683)

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser 23.29 KB
@sentry/browser - with treeshaking flags 21.96 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) 35.79 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) 73.01 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - with treeshaking flags 63.41 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) 77.32 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 89.81 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) 40.04 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) 27.89 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. FeedbackAsync) 32.68 KB
@sentry/react 25.96 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing) 38.6 KB
@sentry/vue 27.49 KB
@sentry/vue (incl. Tracing) 37.63 KB
@sentry/svelte 23.45 KB
CDN Bundle 24.43 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) 37.46 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) 72.64 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 78.01 KB
CDN Bundle - uncompressed 71.74 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) - uncompressed 111.05 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) - uncompressed 225.1 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - uncompressed 238.32 KB
@sentry/nextjs (client) 38.88 KB
@sentry/sveltekit (client) 36.29 KB
@sentry/node 162.52 KB
@sentry/node - without tracing 98.71 KB
@sentry/aws-serverless 126.39 KB

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