yarn @reduxjs/toolkit 1.3.1

latest releases: 2.2.4, 2.2.3, 2.2.2...
4 years ago

This release adds additional argument types for some createEntityAdapter CRUD methods.


createEntityAdapter Insertion APIs

createEntityAdapter generates three methods that can insert entity objects: setAll, addMany, and upsertMany. All three of them accept an array of entities.

We expect that a common use case will be to pre-normalize an API response using normalizr, put the parsed entities into an action, and then handle action.payload.articles in a reducer. However, in that case, action.payload.articles is a pre-normalized object, not an array. While you could do articlesAdapter.addMany(state, Object.values(action.payload.articles)), we decided to make those three methods accept a normalized object in addition to an array, allowing articlesAdapter.addMany(state, action.payload.articles) to work correctly.

createEntityAdapter Usage Guide Docs

We've also added usage guide examples for createEntityAdapter as well.



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