yarn @react-pdf-viewer/core 3.3.0
Improve Bookmark plugin

latest releases: 3.12.0, 3.11.0, 3.10.0...
2 years ago

New features

  • The Bookmarks component provides new property that can be used to set a bookmark expanded or collapsed initially.
    The following sample code expands bookmarks whose depth are smaller or equal to 2:
const setBookmarkExpanded = ({ bookmark, depth, doc, index }) => {
    // `bookmark` is the bookmark data structure
    // `depth` is the current depth
    // `doc` is the current document
    // `index` is the zero-based index of bookmark relative to its parent
    return depth <= 2;

<Bookmarks isBookmarkExpanded={setBookmarkExpanded} />;

Expanding or collapsing all bookmarks initially can be done easily:

// Expand bookmarks initially
const setBookmarkExpanded = ({ bookmark, depth, doc, index }) => true;

// Collapse bookmarks initially
const setBookmarkExpanded = ({ bookmark, depth, doc, index }) => false;
  • The Page Navigation plugin provides new NumberOfPages component that displays the total number of pages


  • Align bookmark titles
  • Compatible with React 18
  • In previous versions, all bookmarks were expanded by default. From this version, a bookmark will be shown or hidden initially depending on its data structure.
    You can see this behaviour on popular viewers such as Acrobat Reader.
  • The toolbar slot NumberOfPages provides the ability of customizing the number of pages

Bug fixes

  • The hightlights are lost when the whole words option is enabled
  • There is a visible page that isn't rendered when setting the zoom level as page width

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