yarn @react-pdf-viewer/core 2.7.0
v2.7.0: Accessibility

latest releases: 3.12.0, 3.11.0, 3.10.0...
2 years ago

New features

  • Add new onSwitchTheme option that allows to track if users switch theme. The following snippet demonstrates an example that the current theme is stored in the local storage, and is loaded back in the next user's visit:
const handleSwitchTheme = (theme: string) => {
    localStorage.setItem('theme', theme);
const theme = localStorage.getItem('theme') || 'light';

<Viewer theme={theme} onSwitchTheme={handleSwitchTheme} />;

Improve the search plugin

  • Add new jumpToMatch function which jumps to the given match

  • The highlight function now returns a Promise that holds the results. Each result also contains the matching text

  • The core package provides isMac function



  • Add ARIA attributes to Icon, Menu, MenuDivider, MenuItem, MinimalButton, Modal, Popover, TextBox, Tooltip components
  • Add ARIA attributes to pages and thumbnails
  • Add ARIA attributes to internal links of the document
  • When the shortcuts are enabled, the associal buttons will have the aria-keyshortcuts attributes
  • Use the keyboard to navigate between components:
Component Press key Action
Attachments ArrowDown Focus on the next attachment
ArrowUp Focus on the previous attachment
End Focus on the last attachment
Enter Download the current focused attachment
Home Focus on the first attachment
Bookmark ArrowDown Focus on the next bookmark
ArrowLeft Collapse the current bookmark
ArrowRight Expand the current bookmark
ArrowUp Focus on the previous bookmark
End Focus on the last bookmark
Enter Click the current focused bookmark
Home Focus on the first bookmark
Space Click the current focused bookmark
Menu ArrowDown Focus on the next menu item
ArrowUp Focus on the previous menu item
Enter Click the current focused item
Thumbnails ArrowDown Focus on the thumbnail of next page
ArrowUp Focus on the thumbnail of the previous page
Enter Jump to the associate page
Tooltip Escape Close
Tab Show when being focused
Close when being blured
  • Add a background color to the current search highlight
  • Show a loading indicator while searching for a keyword
  • The Spinner component adds new size property

Bug fixes

  • Custom search control isn't rendered
  • Pressing shortcuts effects all viewer instances in the same page. The shortcuts should be enabled when the viewer gets focused.
  • Remove br elements generated by the recent versions of pdf.js before rendering the text layer
  • Remove keyCode usages because it's deprecated
  • The print progress container loses the border
  • The search popover isn't shown until the document is loaded

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