yarn @nrwl/jest 19.3.2

latest releases: 19.5.0-canary.20240703-4c76b95, 19.4.0, 19.4.0-canary.20240702-86da1b5...
7 days ago

19.3.2 (2024-06-26)

🚀 Features

  • nx-cloud: updates to the new onboarding flow (75b7fa155)
  • nx-cloud: unhide new onboarding flow (73f15ebcc)
  • release: allow disabling GitHub username matching in default changelog renderer (#26672)

🩹 Fixes

  • angular: fix chalk import and correctly skip invalid projects in ng-add generator (#26667)
  • angular: allow usages of ecmascript decorators in ng-packagr executors (#26691)
  • angular: migration of browserTarget to buildTarget should handle empty config #26681 (#26690, #26681)
  • bundling: use vite createNodes v2 for add plugin (#26662)
  • core: repair sourcemaps that had file & plugin swapped (#26628)
  • core: pick up changes to plugins configuration in daemon (#26625)
  • core: isolated plugins should provide cleanup function (#26657)
  • core: expand env variables on load and unload (#26459)
  • graph: fix search params reload when back to graph (#26580)
  • linter: ensure that @nx/eslint-plugin is installed when we add an extracted base eslintrc file (#26679)
  • linter: handle eslint flat config path correctly in lint executor (#26687)
  • module-federation: module-federation-dev-server hang caused by child process exiting too early (#26684, #26685)
  • module-federation: dynamic remotes external to workspace should be skipped correctly #26551 (#26692, #26551)
  • release: skip dependents of projects without changes in conventional commits (#26671)
  • remix: don't add @remix-run/eslint-config dependency to new remix apps (#26568)
  • testing: accept a numeric value for the playwright executor's workers option (#26689)
  • vite: setup-paths-plugin should only register import once (#26678)
  • vite: incremental builds tmp tsconfig should have baseUrl set to workspace root (#26680)
  • webpack: handle nullable plugin options (#26624)

❤️ Thank You

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