16.5.1 (2023-07-10)
Bug Fixes
- angular: automatically skip remotes not in the current workspace #17473 (#17497) (0d04949)
- angular: explicitly depend on find-cache-dir to avoid npm resolution conflict (#18049) (13aa3be)
- bundling: update the browsers for es5 terser check (#17784) (ea28f16)
- core: add license information for native packages (#17964) (a496ef9)
- core: add missing perf_hooks import in tasks-runner/cache (#18043) (f525ba3)
- core: ensure external dependency hashes are resolved in a deterministic way (#17926) (699af69)
- core: ensure yarn runs install with correct version (#17997) (802243e)
- core: handle undefined target defaults (#18044) (5e8f9f4)
- js: add watchIgnore and runBuildTargetDependencies options to speed up build (#17953) (b39cafa)
- js: ignore dependencies from non-index root files for create-package-json (#17930) (ed22afe)
- js: post-process skipped tasks by the ts compiler in tsc batch implementation (#17938) (f9a615b)
- js: remove duplicate alias (#17978) (97ce47a)
- js: restore registry for only localhost (#17999) (9e448fe)
- nextjs: Update @types/react version for yarn resolution (#18028) (25263f7)
- storybook: dont throw if no project-level tsconfig (#18027) (1a0e65a)
- storybook: optional chain .length in utils (#18001) (b1a8917)
- storybook: properly identify file as story (#18016) (0c480fd)