15.0.1 (2022-10-21)
Bug Fixes
- angular: rename withNonEnabledBlockingInitialNavigation to withEnabledBlockingInitialNavigation (#12633) (e7ebab8)
- angular: support serving static remotes using tuple API #12658 (#12691) (d6285a5)
- core: bump nrwl/ci to 0.8 (#12704) (ccc98e3)
- core: catch rejected promises in convertNxExecutor (#12627) (62e91f3)
- core: fix migration that enables source analysis (#12628) (0cbec35)
- core: merge proejcts from globs and workpace.json (272abb4)
- devkit: incorrect conditional to decide if package should be added (#12749) (657cdba)
- js: handle different exports field shapes (#12613) (8944223)
- misc: fix nx list capabilities resolution (#12621) (628c9c0)
- react: fixes broken links to 01-create-application vs 1-code-generation (#12737) (6737620)
- repo: change github set output to env vars (#12618) (f26f2a1)
- repo: ensure cypress is installed for the e2e tests (#12615) (d0f590d)
- repo: update github workflows to use v3 actions (#12617) (3a30689)
- repo: use LTS version of Node not latest (#12703) (34c9fa9)
- testing: default export ng component-test generator (#12695) (507f890)
- testing: make sure jest-environment-dom is always installed (#12747) (53c8598)
- testing: run init generator in cypress-project when cypress is n… (#12552) (ed05ca3)