yarn @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap 12.1.2

latest releases: 17.0.0, 16.0.0, 16.0.0-rc.2...
2 years ago

Bugfixes for popper positioning related to tooltip/popover arrow placement and overall performance.

Bug Fixes

  • positioning: not all classnames are removed correctly after change detection (9775246), closes #4327
  • pagination: allow for custom and null 'size' values (8df5f74), closes #3816
  • datepicker: schedule positioning calculations correctly (745a64d)
  • dropdown: schedule positioning calculations correctly (077047e)
  • popover: schedule positioning calculations correctly (6b16b8d)
  • tooltip: schedule positioning calculations correctly (662f2b6), closes #4321
  • typeahead: schedule positioning calculations correctly (79454d1)

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