yarn @next/eslint-plugin-next 14.3.0-canary.73

one month ago

Core Changes

  • fix(next/image): prefer sharp defaults, use mozjpeg for JPEG: #65846
  • Update font data: #65961
  • unstable_after: support nested unstable_after calls: #65950
  • Fix revalidateTimings route for catchall index route: #65843
  • fix(next): initial prefetch cache not set properly with different search params: #65977
  • Add additional log to experimental ppr flag in next.config.js: #65944
  • Change default of prerenderEarlyExit to true: #65830
  • short-circuit OPTIONS requests to pages: #65295
  • Turbopack: Implement next/font/local with BeforeResolvePlugin and show custom error message: #65870

Misc Changes

  • docs: clarify gSSP docs for runtime: #65962
  • fix(docs): update styled components option: #65718
  • feat: Add option to enable Turbopack with create-next-app: #65926
  • chore(github-workflow): move issues, prs, features to #next-info channel: #65991


Huge thanks to @lovell, @leerob, @lubieowoce, @nsams, @devjiwonchoi, @Nayeem-XTREME, @JamBalaya56562, @ijjk, @ztanner, @Arindam200, @samcx, and @wbinnssmith for helping!

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