yarn @next/eslint-plugin-next 14.2.0-canary.44

latest releases: 15.0.0-canary.86, 15.0.0-canary.85, 15.0.0-canary.84...
4 months ago

Core Changes

  • generate the same next/font modules for the same options: #63513
  • feat(log): improve dev/build logs: #62946
  • Update font data: #63691
  • Polish dev-overlay text styling: #63721
  • [PPR] Dynamic API Debugging: #61798
  • Rename encryption key generation code: #63730
  • ensure null loading boundaries still render a Suspense boundary: #63726
  • perf: download and save mkcert in stream: #63527
  • prevent router markers from leaking: #63606
  • Turbopack: fix allocation inefficiency: #63738

Documentation Changes

Example Changes

  • Revert "chore(examples): migrate mdx from pages router (JS) to app router (TS)": #63704

Misc Changes

  • Update Turbopack production test manifest: #63688
  • Revert "Update Turbopack production test manifest": #63699
  • Revert "Revert "Update Turbopack production test manifest"": #63700
  • Ensure production integration test results are uploaded: #63706
  • Fix name of production tests for collection: #63714
  • Update Turbopack development test manifest: #63716
  • Ensure test-firefox-safari is required for tests passing: #63733
  • chore(github-workflow): remove TODO comment: #63737
  • de-flake prerender-prefetch test: #63739


Huge thanks to @timneutkens, @sokra, @balazsorban44, @huozhi, @wyattjoh, @shuding, @ztanner, @ijjk, @samcx, @SukkaW, and @IvoBiaus for helping!

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