yarn @next/eslint-plugin-next 13.2.4-canary.0

latest releases: 15.0.0-canary.53, 15.0.0-canary.52, 15.0.0-canary.51...
16 months ago

Core Changes

  • Check if server error already had its message updated: #46367
  • [next/jest] Support path aliases from tsconfig/jsconfig: #45815
  • List unsupported Turbopack config keys: #46582
  • Support named exports for server references: #46558
  • Fix(typedRoutes): fixed StaticRoutes and DynamicRoutes being empty causing invalid syntax: #46620
  • Fix IntelliSense for generateMetadata: #46624
  • Update vendored React packages to next-41110021f: #46636
  • Add request callback in Flight client: #46650
  • fix: distDir in verifyTypeScriptSetup for nextLint: #46630
  • Updates next/image eslint message to denote that costs may be incurred.: #46640
  • Ensure default config passes schema checks: #46656
  • Use separate workers for webpackBuildWorker: #46666

Documentation Changes

  • Documentation: Update link-no-children error page for new link: #46514
  • chore(docs): add snippets for common image loaders: #46647

Misc Changes

  • test(utils): support turbopack-based overlay error text lookup (#46589
  • chore: improve repo templates: #46629
  • Update app-static test page (#46645
  • test: add preconnect tests and move error tests: #46652
  • Refactor and add more tests to next/font/local: #46627
  • Add script to automate updating vendored React version: #46663


Huge thanks to @hanneslund, @JohnDaly, @jridgewell, @divslinger, @shuding, @DuCanhGH, @balazsorban44, @acdlite, @teobler, @styfle, @manovotny, and @huozhi for helping!

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