yarn @next/eslint-plugin-next 12.2.6-canary.8

latest releases: 15.0.0-canary.53, 15.0.0-canary.52, 15.0.0-canary.51...
22 months ago

Core Changes

  • Fix handling with custom _error and pages/500: #40110
  • Fix edge rewrite handling: #40115
  • Error for ssg and ssr exports from client components in build time: #40106
  • feat(next): Support has match and locale option on middleware config: #39257
  • Change alt to required in next/future/image: #40136
  • Allow port 0 in next dev and next start: #40118
  • Update to stable: next/future/image, remotePatterns, unoptimized: #40142
  • fix(#40066): preserve error status code from serveStatic: #40128

Documentation Changes

  • docs(security-headers): interest-cohort has been replaced by browsing-topics: #40113
  • [docs] Functional syntax for _document example in Basic Features: Font Optimization: #40140

Example Changes

  • Add config types to all examples: #40083


Huge thanks to @dunglas, @huozhi, @nkzawa, @styfle, @KenAKAFrosty, @HaNdTriX, @wbinnssmith, and @SukkaW for helping!

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