yarn @next/eslint-plugin-next 12.1.3

latest releases: 15.0.0-canary.49, 15.0.0-canary.48, 15.0.0-canary.47...
2 years ago

Core Changes

  • Add deprecated JSDoc comments for the previous middleware signature: #35448
  • fix the dynamic routing of middleware: #32601
  • fix: don't override user-agent in fetch if specified: #35547
  • Fix typos: #35683
  • Fix Fast Refresh for React 18: #35718
  • Emotion css minify should not trim end spaces if item is not the last: #35697
  • Ensure the app shell is rendered before rendering the document: #35732
  • fix: Prevent page to scroll to top during data HMR: #35739
  • Fix _document and getInitialProps with React 18: #35736
  • test(fix: Prevent page to scroll to top during data HMR): #35744
  • Update to pre-compile use-subscription: #35746
  • Fix useStatic404 condition: #35749
  • Fix streaming SSR with multi-byte characters: #35724

Documentation Changes

  • docs: fix typo in Script Component docs: #35731

Misc Changes

  • Fix next info test during stable release: #35668
  • Update default test timeouts for yarn install times: #35669
  • test(integration): emit console error when test fails: #35507


Huge thanks to @lfades, @nkzawa, @kwonoj, @SethFalco, @hiro0218, @Brooooooklyn, @shuding, @BWsix, @schickling, @ijjk, and @martinnabhan for helping!

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