Core Changes
- [dev-overlay] Always show relative paths: #76742
Example Changes
- chore(cna): update tailwind styles to be closer to non-tw cna: #76647
Misc Changes
- [test] Add special placeholder if stackframes point into dist dir: #76741
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in pages/ service-side-dev-errors: #76779
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in app/ dynamic-error-trace: #76783
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in app/ owner-stack-invalid-element-type: #76786
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in app/ hook-functuon-names: #76785
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in app/ undefined-default-export: #76781
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in server-navigation-error: #76787
- [test] Fix flaky error-recovery test: #76789
- [test] Use new Redbox matchers in pages/ gssp-ssr-change-reloading: #76788
- [docs] update Tailwind CSS installation and configuration instructions: #76259
- docs: Tailwind v4: #76801
- chore(docs): update minimumCacheTTL example to 31 days: #76796
- Turbopack: improve sectioned source maps: #76627
Huge thanks to @eps1lon, @Nayeem-XTREME, @leerob, @styfle, @samcx, and @sokra for helping!