yarn @next/bundle-analyzer 13.0.7-canary.3

19 months ago

Core Changes

  • Revert "Adding head element checking for root layout": #43760
  • fix ci pnpm lock error: #43767
  • Force reflow when setting scrollBehavior: #43673
  • Remove __webpack_exports__ from error overlay: #43715
  • Fix chunk hash logic in hot-reloader for server components: #43778
  • Assign layer to app client entries: #43197
  • Remove notifications emitted during pnpm dev: #43801
  • Display error digest if presented: #43742
  • Fix HMR issue after patching the client module: #43819
  • Implement loadable with lazy and suspense for next dynamic: #42589
  • Do not attach CSS checksum for production build: #43827

Documentation Changes

  • Changes vercel/examples links from linking to GitHub repo to template marketplace: #43780

Example Changes

  • Convert with-why-did-you-render example to TypeScript: #43736
  • chore(examples): Remove deprecated function from chakra: #43784
  • chore(examples): Update convex example: #43741

Misc Changes

  • Update bug report template to make it clear we require repro: #43735
  • Add tests for server component HMR: #43779
  • Add tests for rendering null and undefined in RSC: #43768
  • Remove swcMinify from Next config in CNA template: #43782
  • Remove serverComponents from next.conf.js because it's unused: #43805
  • Add test for providing correct params to layouts: #43775
  • Fix test binary generation and update test config: #43790
  • Lock pnpm version during publish: #43820
  • ci(actions): pin prod-test action image: #43748
  • Upgrade playwright to 1.28.1: #43818


Huge thanks to @JanKaifer, @shuding, @manovotny, @hanneslund, @jueungrace, @maxproske, @AnujSsStw, @thomasballinger, @ijjk, and @kwonoj for helping!

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