yarn @next/bundle-analyzer 12.0.9-canary.1

2 years ago

Core Changes

  • Update swc: #33201
  • improve full refresh overlay: #33301
  • Custom app for server components: #33149
  • Update yarn PnP tests and disable swc file reading for PnP: #33236
  • Base Http for BaseServer: #32999
  • Update swc: #33342
  • Update check for fallback pages during export: #33323
  • Pre-compile more dependencies: #32742
  • Remove node fetch polyfill from base server: #33395
  • Replace regexp to plain string for optimization render HTML: #33306
  • Fix broken html on streaming render for error page: #33399

Documentation Changes

  • Add sections for Remove React Properties and Remove Console to compiler docs: #33311
  • Update links in next export + next/image error message: #33317
  • Add onLoad gottcha note to next/script docs: #33097
  • Update security-headers.md: fix path does not match homepage: #33137
  • fix minor typo in SWR: #33378
  • ReferenceError in authentication.md example fixed: #33411
  • docs: fix url: #33409

Example Changes

  • [examples] Update remark dependency for blog-starter: #33313
  • Update package.json for examples/with-supabase-auth-realtime-db: #33321
  • Working example for building forms with Next.js: #32669
  • Updates dependency version of frontend SDK in with-supertokens example: #33393
  • docs: add skynexui to examples: #33326

Misc Changes

  • fix(docs): master branch renaming: #33312
  • Add link to security email directly.: #33358
  • Fix getServerSideProps hanging in dev on early end: #33366
  • [docs] Fix 404 link for testing example.: #33407


Huge thanks to @kdy1, @sokra, @huozhi, @hsynlms, @styfle, @ijjk, @callumgare, @jonrosner, @karaggeorge, @rpie3, @MartijnHols, @leerob, @bashunaimiroy, @MaedahBatool, @NOCELL, @rishabhpoddar, @omariosouto, @hanneslund, and @theMosaad for helping!

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