We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 10 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- 🎁 Add support for
version 7 in all X packages - 🐞 Bugfixes
- 🌍 Improve Chinese (zh-CN), (zh-HK), (zh-TW), Czech (cs-CZ), Korean (ko-KR) and Slovak (sk-Sk) locales on the Data Grid
- 🌍 Improve Chinese (zh-CN), (zh-HK) and (zh-TW) locales on the Pickers
Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
@Blake-McCullough, @hlavacz, @yelahj, @k-rajat19, @nusr.
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@arminmeh, @flaviendelangle, @LukasTy, @michelengelen, @MBilalShafi.
Data Grid
- [DataGrid] Add click propagation and prevents default on
click (#16909) @michelengelen - [DataGrid] Fix
error if the row is removed before it is executed (#16904) @arminmeh - [DataGrid] Fix bug with adding and removing columns in active edit state (#16916) @Blake-McCullough
- [DataGrid] Fix visual issue with pinned columns and row spanning (#16942) @MBilalShafi
- [DataGrid] Make column header menu button aria-labels unique (#16925) @owais635
- [DataGrid] Fix
not respectinghideFooter
root prop (#16915) @k-rajat19 - [l10n] Improve Chinese (zh-CN), (zh-HK) and (zh-TW) locales (#16917 and #16887) @nusr
- [l10n] Improve Czech (cs-CZ) and Slovak (sk-Sk) locales (#16996) @hlavacz
- [l10n] Improve Korean (ko-KR) locale (#16998) @yelahj

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid@7.28.0
, plus:
- [DataGridPro] Fix header filters not displaying restored values (#16976) @MBilalShafi
- [DataGridPro] Fix infinite loading not reacting when scrolling to the end (#16939) @arminmeh

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid-pro@7.28.0
, plus:
- [DataGridPremium] Fix selection propagation issues with controlled state (#16995) @MBilalShafi
Date and Time Pickers

Same changes as in @mui/x-date-pickers@7.28.0
, plus:
- [DateRangeCalendar] Do not update the previewed day when hovering a day and the value is empty (#16892) @flaviendelangle
Internal changes.

Same changes as in @mui/x-charts@7.28.0
Tree View
Internal changes.

Same changes as in @mui/x-tree-view@7.28.0