yarn @mui/system 5.15.5

latest releases: 6.1.4, 6.1.3, 6.1.2...
9 months ago


Jan 17, 2024

A big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • Base UI's CSS class prefix is now base- (#40205) @michaldudak
  • Bug fixes, and a lot of improvements to code and docs infra


  • ​[Accordion] Deprecate *Props props and classes for v6 (#40418) @DiegoAndai
  • ​[Alert] Update TypeScript types to allow color override types to be added to iconMapping and severity props (#40551) @2metres
  • ​[Dialog] Remove deprecated onBackdropClick from Dialog tests (#40505) @sai6855
  • ​[Divider] Deprecate props and classes for v6 (#40563) @sai6855



Breaking changes

The class prefix of Base UI components have been changed from Mui- to base-. This only affects codebases that uses class names verbatim, i.e. not exposed by JS objects such as buttonClasses, but as plain strings or in CSS stylesheets (.MuiButton.root)

To adapt your code to the new pattern:

  • replace all occurrences of the regex .Mui([A-Z][A-Za-z]*)- with .base-$1- (so MuiButton-root becomes base-Button-root, etc.),
  • replace all occurrences of the regex .Mui-([a-z]*) with .base--$1 (so Mui-disabled becomes base--disabled, etc.).









All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @2metres, @aacevski, @brijeshb42, @danilo-leal, @DiegoAndai, @josh-feldman, @Kamino0, @lhilgert9, @maakcode, @michaldudak, @oliviertassinari, @petrovmiroslav, @sai6855, @samuelsycamore, @siriwatknp, @zanivan, @ZeeshanTamboli, @zinoroman

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