yarn @mui/icons-material 6.0.0-alpha.7

latest releases: 5.16.5, 6.0.0-beta.3, 5.16.4...
2 months ago

May 16, 2024

A big thanks to the 14 contributors who made this release possible.


  • ​[Autocomplete] Deprecate componentsProps props (#42179) @lhilgert9
  • ​[Autocomplete] Improve design when there's a start adornment for small autocomplete (#41781) @TahaRhidouani
  • ​[Autocomplete] deprecate *Component and *Props for v6 (#41875) @lhilgert9
  • ​[CircularProgress] Deprecate composed classes (#42076) @sai6855
  • ​[ToggleButtonGroup] Add missing selected class in ToggleButtonGroupClasses type (#42243) @tarunrajput




All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @aarongarciah, @alexfauquette, @arthurbalduini, @bharatkashyap, @danilo-leal, @DiegoAndai, @heath-freenome, @lhilgert9, @noraleonte, @oliviertassinari, @sai6855, @samuelsycamore, @TahaRhidouani, @tarunrajput

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