yarn @mikro-orm/core 5.0.0

latest releases: 6.2.10-dev.88, 6.2.10-dev.87, 6.2.10-dev.86...
2 years ago

5.0.0 (2022-02-06)


Bug Fixes

  • assign: do not convert FK to entity when assigning to mapToPK property (b14c8fb), closes #2337
  • cli: validate configuration in CLI cache commands (#2146) (544583b), closes #2145
  • core: allow calling em.create() with reference wrapper (c069960)
  • core: allow empty strings in postgres arrays (#2680) (5a33722)
  • core: allow using MongoNamingStrategy with SQL drivers (c38c66c)
  • core: fix pivot tables for wild card schema entities (623dc91)
  • core: fix populating entities with wildcard schema (98d0bfb)
  • core: fix support for nested composite PKs (14dcff8)
  • core: handle file:// urls in normalizePath (#2697) (127b0ae)
  • core: respect request context when creating QB (a2b7b84)
  • core: respect specified schema when populating (select-in) (#2676) (21a1be0)
  • core: allow non-standard property names (hyphens, spaces, ...) (cc68230), closes #1958
  • core: allow propagation to multiple matching inverse sides (cf7d538), closes #2371
  • core: consider objects without prototype as POJO (b49807f), closes #2274
  • core: declare peer dependencies on driver packages (1873e8c), closes #2110
  • core: detect ts-jest usage (94acc18)
  • core: do not check stack trace when detecting ts-node (06cca85)
  • core: do not override existing values via prop.onCreate (fb67ea6)
  • core: do not propagate mapToPk properties (b93c59e)
  • core: fix conversion of custom type PKs in some cases (28e83ef), closes #1263
  • core: fix nested query with fk as pk (#2650) (cc54ff9), closes #2648
  • core: fix ordering by pivot table with explicit schema name (eb1f9bb), closes #2621
  • core: fix propagation of locking option with select-in population (f3990d0), closes #1670
  • core: improve partial loading of 1:m relations (3ddde1e), closes #2651
  • core: issue early delete queries for recreating unique properties (decfd10), closes #2273
  • core: propagate em.remove() to 1:m collections (c23c39c), closes #2395
  • core: propagate em.remove() to m:1 properties of 1:m relations (e6fa2f7), closes #2636
  • core: reload default values after flush in mysql/sqlite (d57a6a9), closes #2581
  • core: respect read replica options (#2152) (9ec668d), closes #1963
  • core: rework orphan removal and cascading (#2532) (eb3ea4a)
  • core: save collection snapshots recursively after flush (3f5ba2f), closes #2410 #2411
  • core: schedule orphan removal on 1:1 inverse sides when relation nulled (a904fe8), closes #2273
  • core: support loading lazy scalar properties via em.populate() (c20fe88), closes #1479
  • core: sync MigrateOptions type in core with migrations package (#2259) (d4b8c2c)
  • core: truly load the whole entity graph when populate: true (3c21663), closes #1134
  • core: use clean internal identity map with disableIdentityMap (0677d74), closes #1307
  • embeddables: order of discovery of embeddables should not matter (d955b29), closes #2149
  • knex: quote version column (#2402) (5bbbd15), closes #2401
  • migrations: clear the migrations table in migration:fresh (63eb4e6)
  • migrations: respect baseDir and allow absolute paths for sqlite dbName (36a3ae5)
  • postgres: allow type casting in nested conditions (bbd0eb4), closes #2227
  • postgres: fix runtime support for native pg enum arrays (#2584) (fcdb9b0)
  • postgres: limit index names to 64 characters (48c105a), closes #1915
  • postgres: support comparing array columns via $eq (6eb320e), closes #2462
  • query-builder: fix mapping of formula properties (2607266)
  • query-builder: respect 0 as limit (#2700) (3f284ed)
  • query-builder: fix nested ordered pagination (#2351) (c5a5c6b)
  • query-builder: support joining same property multiple times (b62fb05), closes #2602
  • query-builder: translate field names in qb.merge() (5aead23), closes #2177
  • query-builder: validate missing onConflict calls (30392bc), closes #1803
  • schema: do not ignore entity level indexes with just expression (0ee9c4d)
  • schema: improve diffing of default values for strings and dates (d4ac638), closes #2385
  • seeder: fork EM in the seeder manager so we dont use global context (022a1cc)
  • sql: split $and branches when auto joining to-many relations (70c795a)
  • sti: allow m:n relations between two STI entities (6c797e9), closes #2246
  • ts-morph: fix validation of embedded polymorphic arrays (b6a068a)
  • types: fix populate type hints for nullable properties (bc1bf76)
  • validation: throw when calling qb.update/delete() after qb.where() (96893e0), closes #2390


  • cli: validate CLI package is installed locally (8952149)
  • cli: add database:create command (#1778) (7e9d97d), closes #1757
  • cli: allow exporting async functions from CLI config (912728d)
  • cli: improve loading of CLI settings from package.json (03f9ddd), closes #545
  • cli: only warn with useTsNode: true without ts-node available (5aff134), closes #1957
  • core: add em.clearCache(key) method (1ccfad8)
  • core: add persistOnCreate option and enable it for seeder (f0fec1b)
  • core: add custom table check constraint support for postgres (#2688) (89aca5f)
  • core: allow defining check constraints via callback (965f740)
  • core: expose referencedColumnNames on m:1/1:1 decorators (2f5a5e1)
  • core: make em.create() respect required properties (2385f1d)
  • core: validate required properties before flushing new entities (9eec3a9)
  • core: validate version mismatch in ORM packages (cf70219)
  • core: add EventType.onLoad that fires after entity is fully loaded (14c2fa9)
  • core: add freshEventManager to em.fork() options (a0f3fd0), closes #1741
  • core: add populateWhere option (#2660) (16c5e91)
  • core: add QueryFlag.AUTO_JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE_OWNER (be9d9e1), closes #1660
  • core: add Reference.createFromPK() helper method (2217154)
  • core: add callback parameter to Collection.remove() (0b37654), closes #2398
  • core: add index/key name to naming strategy (a842e3e)
  • core: add PlainObject class that DTO's can extend to treat class as POJO (#1837) (645b27a)
  • core: add support for advanced locking (0cbed9c), closes #1786
  • core: add support for concurrency checks (#2437) (acd43fe)
  • core: add support for custom property ordering (#2444) (40ae4d6)
  • core: add support for ESM via gen-esm-wrapper (aa71065), closes #1010
  • core: add support for multiple schemas (including UoW) (#2296) (d64d100), closes #2074
  • core: add support for polymorphic embeddables (#2426) (7b7c3a2), closes #1165
  • core: allow configuring aliasing naming strategy (#2419) (89d63b3)
  • core: allow passing arrays in orderBy parameter (#2211) (0ec22ed), closes #2010
  • core: allow providing custom Logger instance (#2443) (c7a75e0)
  • core: allow using short lived tokens in config (4499838), closes #1818
  • core: automatically infer populate hint based on fields (0097539), closes #2468
  • core: conditionally support folder based discovery of ESM (8c8f0d0), closes #2631
  • core: implement auto-flush mode (#2491) (f1d8bf1), closes #2359
  • core: implement auto-refreshing of loaded entities (#2263) (9dce38c), closes #2292
  • core: implement partial loading support for joined loading strategy (2bebb5e), closes #1707
  • core: keep collection state of dirty collections after initializing (49ed651), closes #2408
  • core: make FindOptions.fields strictly typed (dot notation) (fd43099)
  • core: make populate parameter strictly typed with dot notation (3372f02)
  • core: move @UseRequestContext() decorator to core package (253216d)
  • core: rework deep assigning of entities and enable it by default (#1978) (8f455ad)
  • core: support column names with spaces (00b54b4), closes #1617
  • core: use AsyncLocalStorage instead of domain API (be27bf7)
  • core: validate populate hint on runtime for joined strategy too (94877e3), closes #2527
  • core: validate usage of global context (#2381) (f0cbcc2)
  • embeddables: allow using m:1 properties inside embeddables (#1948) (ffca73e)
  • embeddables: support onCreate and onUpdate (288899d), closes #2283 #2391
  • entity-generator: add support for generating M:N properties (c0628c5)
  • entity-generator: add enum generation support (#2608) (1e0b411)
  • entity-generator: allow specifying schema (beb2993), closes #1301
  • filters: add em parameter to the filter callback parameters (6858986), closes #2214
  • knex: export also global knex function (383bc24)
  • migrations: allow providing custom MigrationGenerator (3cc366b), closes #1913
  • migrations: allow using migrations with ES modules (072f23f), closes #2631
  • migrations: ensure the database exists when using migrator (02dd67c), closes #1757
  • migrations: store migrations without extensions (4036716), closes #2239
  • migrations: use snapshots for generating diffs in new migrations (#1815) (9c37f61)
  • mongo: add SchemaGenerator support for mongo (#2658) (cc11859)
  • mongo: upgrade node-mongodb to v4 (#2425) (2e4c135)
  • query-builder: add qb.getCount() method (f773736), closes #2066
  • query-builder: allow awaiting the QueryBuilder instance (#2446) (c1c4d51)
  • query-builder: improve typing of qb.execute() (c4cfedb), closes #2396
  • schema: add support for timestamp columns in mysql (a224ec9), closes #2386
  • schema: allow disabling foreign key constraints (fcdb236), closes #2548
  • schema: rework schema diffing (#1641) (05f15a3), closes #1486 #1518 #579 #1559 #1602 #1480 #1687
  • seeder: use community driven faker fork and reexport it (3c9f8e9)
  • seeder: add seeder package (#929) (2b86e22), closes #251
  • sql: add qb.indexHint() method that appends to the from clause (ce89e1f), closes #1663
  • sql: add callback signature to expr() with alias parameter (48702c7), closes #2405
  • sql: allow setting transaction isolation level (6ae5fbf), closes #819
  • sql: allow tuple comparison via expr helper (90777a7), closes #2399
  • sql: generate down migrations automatically (#2139) (7d78d0c)
  • typings: make em.create() and other methods strict (#1718) (e8b7119), closes #1456
  • typings: make toObject() and similar strict (#1719) (c202396)
  • support flushing via Promise.all() (f788773), closes #2412

Performance Improvements

  • core: do not update entity state on forking EM (de3191c)


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