yarn @material-ui/core 5.0.0-alpha.19

latest releases: 4.12.4, 5.0.0-beta.5, 5.0.0-beta.4...
3 years ago
Dec 13, 2020

Big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 👩‍🎤 Migrate the Badge to emotion (#23745) @mnajdova.
  • 🌏 Add infrastructure to translate the API pages (#23852) @mbrookes.
  • And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 improvements.


Breaking changes

  • [Icon][svgicon] Change default fontSize from default to medium (#23950) @mbrookes

    The default value of fontSize was changed from default to medium for consistency.
    In the unlikey event that you were using the value default, the prop can be removed:

    -<SvgIcon fontSize="default">{iconPath}</SvgIcon>
  • [TextField] Add size prop for outlined and filled input (#23832) @mayralgr

    Rename marginDense and inputMarginDense classes to sizeSmall and inputSizeSmall to match the prop.


  • [Autocomplete] Document onChange last details param (#23942) @natac13
  • [Autocomplete] Fix useAutocomplete groupedOptions type (#23854) @ZachCMP
  • [Autocomplete] Improve DX/UX when getOptionLabel is not configured correctly (#23884) @marianayap
  • [Autocomplete] Improve getOptionSelected description (#23817) @smartshivkat
  • [Badge] Create unstyled component & move to emotion (#23745) @mnajdova
  • [Grid] Improve support for nested grid (#23913) @gbrochar
  • [Grid] Fix side effects when direction="column" and xs={} is used (#23900) @Kai-W
  • [Select] Fix description, value is not required (#23940) @natac13
  • [Slider] Remove color prop in unstyled (#23840) @mnajdova
  • [Slider] Replaced inlined isHostComponent with the utils (#23880) @mnajdova
  • [SwipeableDrawer] Refactor internals (#23944) @eps1lon
  • [TextField] Add documentation for hidden label (#23915) @Fredestrik
  • [TextField] Fix the color leak of the textbox (#23912) @szabgab
  • [useMediaQuery] Fix a false return at the first call (#23806) @marthaerm
  • [utils] Fix minified errors throwing with _formatMuiErrorMessage (#23828) @eps1lon



Breaking changes

  • [system] Move visually hidden helper to utils (#23974) @eps1lon

    Only applies if you've installed v5.0.0-alpha.1

    -import { visuallyHidden } from '@material-ui/system';
    +import { visuallyHidden } from '@material-ui/utils';







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