yarn @mantine/notifications 7.6.2

latest releases: 7.11.0, 7.10.2, 7.10.1...
3 months ago

What's Changed

  • [@mantine/hooks] use-resize-observer: Fix types (#5847)
  • [@mantine/hooks] use-local-storage: Fix undefined being written to the local storage when defaultValue is not defined (#5848)
  • [@mantine/core] NumberInput: Fix onValueChange not being called in increment/decrement functions (#5856)
  • [@mantine/core] InputWrapper: Fix className specified in labelProps, descriptionProps and errorProps not being passed to the corresponding element (#5862)
  • [@mantine/core] Fix some functions not working correctly with TypeScript 5.4 (#5891)
  • [@mantine/form] Fix onValuesChange not using updated function (#5901)
  • [@mantine/core] Popover: Fix incorrect dropdown selectors (#5903)
  • [@mantine/core] Indicator: Fix processing animation in Safari (#5908)
  • [@mantine/hooks] use-headroom: Fix incorrect pinning logic when scrolling up (#5793)
  • [@mantine/dropzone] Add heic images format to default mime types (#5867)
  • [@mantine/core] Transition: Fix transitions resolving instantly in some cases (#5873)
  • [@mantine/dropzone] Add inputProps prop support to pass props down to the underlying hidden input element (#5880)
  • [@mantine/core] Timeline: Fix autoContrast being passed to the dom node as attribute (#5890)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 7.6.1...7.6.2

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