yarn @mantine/modals 4.0.3

latest releases: 7.11.1, 7.11.0, 7.10.2...
2 years ago
  • AppShell no longer parses props of Navbar and Header components, AppShell positioning logic was migraed to context and CSS variables, Navbar and Header components can be wrapped with other components
  • useLocalStorageValue hook was renamed to useLocalStorage (old hook is still exported from @mantine/hooks)
  • Fix keyboard navigation triggering wrong action when using grouping in @mantine/spotlight package (#995)
  • Improve types for @mantine/modals package (#947)
  • Add radius prop support to @mantine/spotlight (#959)
  • Fix maxSelectedValues counter not being reset after MulstiSelect was cleared (#949)
  • Fix Radio squishing when associated label is too large (#970)
  • Improve edge cases handling while entering data in TimeInput component (#933)
  • Fix fullWidth not working with month view in Calendar component (#957)

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