yarn @mantine/modals 3.3.0

latest releases: 7.11.1, 7.11.0, 7.10.2...
2 years ago

View changelog with demos on Mantine website

ScrollArea component

  • New ScrollArea component lets you easily manage custom scrollbars
    without any external libraries
  • ScrollArea is now rendered as default dropdown element in Select, MultiSelect
    and TransferList components:

use-form hook improvements

  • use-form hook now includes new getInputProps handler to simplify inputs:
import { TextInput, Checkbox, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useForm } from '@mantine/hooks';

export function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    initialValues: {
      email: '',
      termsOfService: false,

    validationRules: {
      email: (value) => /^\S+@\S+$/.test(value),

  return (
    <form onSubmit={form.onSubmit((values) => console.log(values))}>

        label="I agree to sell my privacy to this corporation"
        {...form.getInputProps('termsOfService', { type: 'checkbox' })}

      <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>
  • Also use-form hook now supports optional error messages (hook will work as before if messages are not provided):
const form = useForm({
  initialValues: { name: '', age: 0 },
  validationRules: {
    name: (value) => value.trim().length >= 2,
    age: (value) => value > 21,
  errorMessages: {
    name: 'Name must include at least 2 characters',
    age: 'You must be 21 or older to enter',

// -> { name: 'Name must include at least 2 characters', age: 'You must be 21 or older to enter' }

form.setFieldValue('name', 'John');
// -> { name: null, age: 'You must be 21 or older to enter' }

New features and improvements

  • Modal component can now be centered
  • Accordion component now supports controlled state with useAccordionState hook
  • Components that use Popper (Select, Menu, DatePicker, etc.) now support an option to disable rendering within portal
  • Rich text editor now has an option to get editor ref, it can be used, for example, to focus/blur editor or to extend editor with plugins
  • Components that use Popper now support rendering without Portal by setting withinPortal={false}. This option is useful when you want to use Select and other components inside Popover or other components that use use-click-outside.
  • Accordion component now supports iconSize and offsetIcon props
  • Menu component now support disabled items
  • You can now change default locale that is used in all @mantine/dates components with dateLocale on MantineProvider

Bug fixes

  • Collapse component now works correctly with transitionDuration={0}
  • use-focus-trap hook is now less restrictive, it fixes issue with Popover and Menu scrolling page when being closed
  • Fix click outside not working with Modal with outside overflow
  • InputWrapper label now has display: inline-block styles, these styles will prevent input focusing when empty area above the input is clicked
  • Select component now correctly handles up and down arrow keys with selected value
  • Fix incorrect opened dropdown state in Select component when search results are empty and nothing found message is not provided
  • Fix incorrect enter key handling in Autocomplete, Select, MultiSelect and DatePicker components which resulted in unexpected form submits
  • Fix incorrect space key handling in Select and MultiSelect components
  • Fix focus shifting to input when date is selected with keyboard in DateRangePicker

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