yarn @mantine/hooks 3.6.0

latest releases: 7.12.2, 7.12.1, 7.12.0...
2 years ago

View changelog with demos on Mantine docs website

RTL support improvements

  • Emotion options on MantineProvider now supports dynamic values. This feature allows to create dynamic direction changes.
  • @mantine/ssr package now supports RTL with Next.js and any other ssr environment
  • All components were tested to work correctly with stylis-plugin-rtl
  • Mantine theme object now includes dir property which must be set to rtl to support all features

New hooks

Other changes

  • TimeInput component now supports 12h format and empty initial state
  • Table component now supports setting vertical and horizontal spacing
    ScrollArea component now supports subscribing to scroll position with onScrollPositionChange handler
  • Button component now supports new subtle variant
  • Grid.Col component no longer requires to set span, it is set to Grid columns by default
  • Dropzone component now supports onReject callback which is called when user tries to drop files that do not meet size or mime type requirements
  • Stepper component now supports allowStepSelect prop on Stepper.Step component which can be used to prevent user from reaching next steps before completing previous
  • Accordion component now supports changing headings level with order prop
  • Tabs component now supports getting tab keys in onTabChange handler
  • Slider default label transition is now set to 0 to make component feel more responsive
  • Portal now supports setting target with selector instead of element
  • Modal and Drawer components now support target prop to specify Portal target container
  • TransferList component now supports limit prop that can be used to improve performance of large data sets
  • Modals manager now supports ...others props in modals.openContextModal handler
  • Select and MultiSelect components now support new selectOnBlur prop
  • Transition now supports exitDuration prop to specify unmount transition duration
  • Timeline now supports reverseActive prop to reverse active items direction
  • Menu now supports auto size
  • use-move hook now supports rtl direction
  • RichTextEditor now supports readonly state and code format
  • All inputs components that are based on Input now support iconWidth prop

3.5.0 – 3.6.0 bug fixes

  • Fix incorrect default shouldCreate logic in creatable Select
  • Fix incorrect border-radius in TransferList component
  • Add color style to UnstyledButton in dark theme
  • Fix incorrect Menu body background color in dark theme
  • Fix incorrect focus management in DatePicker which resulted in closing dropdown when anything inside was clicked
  • Fix incorrect position calculation for SegmentedControl when scale transform is applied to parent node
  • Fix Slider initial value not being clamped with min/max
  • Fix incorrect value set in RangeSlider when user interacted with slider after value was force updated
  • Fix possible permanent placeholder after hydration in Image component
  • Fix jumping items in dropdown when item is selected in Select, MultiSelect and Autocomplete components, this fix is also applied to dropdowns with transitions
  • Fix Slider and RangeSlider components thumbs and marks overflowing parent element when is the same as min/max
  • Fix value not being clamped in DatePicker with allowed free input, now value is clamped on blur

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