yarn @handsontable/react 5.0.0

latest releases: 11.1.0, 11.0.1, 11.0.0...
3 years ago

Breaking changes

  • Refactored the Custom Borders plugin. The API method was changed - added new methods such as getBorders, setBorders and clearBorders. The initial object configuration has been intact, it is still compatible with the previous releases. (#5017)
  • Improved colors, cursor style and sizes of some parts of Handsontable. (#5170)


  • Fixed an issue related with a lack of afterSelectionEnd hook being fired when contextmenu event is called for a cell. This fix additionally introduces two new hooks (afterOnCellContextMenu, beforeOnCellContextMenu). (#5201, #5232)
  • Fixed an issue related with minifying CSS files where the z-index property was incorrectly modified by OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin webpack plugin. (#5230)
  • Cleaned up and improved the code readability of the ColumnSorting plugin. (#5228)
  • Fixed sort indicator which didn't update after moving columns. (#3900)
  • Updated TypeScript definition file. (#5211)
  • Fixed a problem with Autocomplete's arrow button being rendered in a wrong position. (#5124)

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